God Speaks to Me – Encouragement for the Thin Within Sojourner

God Speaks to Me – Encouragement for the Thin Within Sojourner


Let Jesus meet with you each day for 60 days. He will affirm you, love you, and extend His grace to you as you add this devotional to your daily quiet time routine. Written especially for--but not limited to--those on a Thin Within journey, anyone will be encouraged by including the reading of these short entries in their day.

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HEAL: Healthy Eating and Abundant Living

HEAL: Healthy Eating and Abundant Living

HEAL: Your diet-free, faith-filled guide to a fabulous life, Allie Marie-Smith partners with Judy Halliday, author of Thin Within, to create a practical, fun and small-group friendly tool to help today’s modern young women break free from eating and body image issues and life an abundant life

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