I am not really sure what is up with me today. I feel so disheartened. I am...
Flattering Self…bah…
"...for in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his...
Cleaning out the Closet
I cleaned out my close over the weekend. I confessed to the Thin Within Yahoo...
More thoughts on “5”
Thoughts about 5...for me the real change in my thinking and results came when...
Bodily Functions…LOL!
Doing a bit better with the things that had me concerned last I wrote. I need...
True Confessions
I am having a hard time with dizziness and light-headedness, headaches and...
What IS a “5?”
What is a 5? This is a question that comes up a lot for folks just starting...
“Only Human?” That Ain’t No Way to LIVE!!
“I am only human.”This concept has been on my heart for a while. Basically,...
A bit too zealous…
Ok, I may LOVE the B.E.S.T Step Workout DVD by Patrick somebodyorother, but I...