Breaking Free from Dieting ~ Interview with Carrie
Imagine being prepped as a child to become a dieter later in life. Imagine...
Catching the Lie and Replacing it with Truth
When I train myself to recognize the lies that I believe, it has a practical...
Week 1 – Renewing of the Mind – Thin Within Support
Welcome to WEEK ONE of our summer study on Renewing of the Mind! If you are on...
Waiting for Tomorrow
This is another great song for your Renewing of the Mind playlist! I hope you...
Renewing of the Mind to Accomplish Godly Goals! – New Summer Study Starts June 17
Are you wondering what study we are going to do next here at the blog? Are you...
HEAL Group Session 6
In March, my husband and I went whale watching in Monterey Bay. We "only" saw...
Be Still to be Victorious
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the...
Accountability Ideas and Resources
Many of you are taking the plunge with accountability partnership! I know it...
Past Sexual Abuse is Often at the Root of Overeating
80% of the women who struggle with overeating and overweight have been...