Join the Journey
Have you wondered for a while about diving in and giving Thin Within a try?Are...
Dare To Leave the Familiar
The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and...
To Be At Peace With Our Bodies
This blog post is actually from an email that I received. Jill Robbins shared...
Obedience Feels GOOD
Obedience requires sacrifice. I say NO to what I want in the moment, trusting...
The fog has cleared. I look around, taking stock. How did I get here? I...
Chat Today on The Fight of Faith
Permission to be IMperfect!
Where do we get the impression that we have to be perfect?We *can't* be --...
Green Elephants
Don't think about a green thoughts of a green elephant are...
Asking the Right Questions…
This post was inspired by a few things...not the least of which is a post at...