Weakness Beneath the Veneer of Strength
Horses are amazing creatures. I have been blessed to get to live my childhood...
Make Room For Jesus!
Hi, everyone. I know it has been a while since I have checked in. I don't get...
Rescued by the Community…
As I watched this video, shared by friends on Facebook, I couldn't help but...
Romancing the Tenderness
When it is tempting to get my eyes on people or circumstances, I am...
God Delights in Me? Wow!
by Stan Kellner - Used with PermissionFor the Lord your God is living among...
God is Faithful
Steven Curtis Chapman and his family have been through a lot. God has used him...
I Will Love and Trust Him – No Matter What
The Word of God and the God of the Word are the only things that will remain...
Is This What Depression Feels Like?
From a letter I wrote to a friend last night:I don’t know what to do or say....
This morning my heart is heavy. It ebbs and flows during this season of...