Upcoming Informal “Drop In” chat schedule
Upcoming Chats:Tuesday, June 29, 7:00-8:00AM PDTFriday, July 2, 5:00-6:00PM...
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Come join us in a chat until 8am Pacific...
More Ideas for Gratitude
How can you and I develop gratitude as a way of life?One way is to have a...
What is a 5 for you?
"5" is the place that we stop eating in Thin Within. We say it is when we are...
Hi, everyone. Some of you may know that I have been gone since Monday. My...
“I AM” is Sufficient!
God said to Moses, "I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the...
Week 02 – Part 2- Assignment Thin Within Book
You are making your way through Day 2, Day 3, and Day 17 this week.In...
Instead of Woe is Me, Great is GOD!!!! (Week 02 – Devotional)
Can discontentment make us gain weight? Has an attitude of negativity ever...
Week 02 – Part 1 – Assignment Thin Within Book
For those in the study of the Thin Within book, this week, please do the...