Knowing Who I am in Christ

Knowing Who I am in Christ


I’ve been reading a book called Parenting the Wholehearted Child by Jeannie Cunnion (excellent book by the way) and she talked about how we know we are loved and accepted when we know who we are in Christ.  So that got me thinking about how I have spent so many years not feeling accepted because of my body or thinking that I needed to conform to a certain pattern or image of this world.  I have learned that there are more issues if I don’t accept my body where it’s at; like I’m accepting defeat.  So I started thinking, what would happen if I knew (really knew) and declared who I am in Christ?  Because in Christ I AM accepted!

“Those of us who struggle with food, eating, body image, and weight may spend excessive energy performing for acceptance because we equate our self-concept with our outward appearance.  When our reflection in the mirror is less than perfect, we may continue to try to improve ourselves and an abusive pattern of starving or stuffing ourselves may persist” (Hunger Within, Chapter 5: Worth Not Shame).

Heidi Bylsma shared an amazing file with me with many truths about who we are in Christ.  Today I sat down, with the printed list, and picked out the ones I felt that were most applicable to me in the moment (of course all of them are).  And then I wrote down (with some fun colored pencils) on a sheet of paper.  I will keep this paper on my bathroom vanity to read each day and confess.  These are truths I can renew my mind with.  And I know as I renew my mind, God will transform me (Hebrews 12:1-2).  As I declare these truths, I will believe them more and more.

You see, it’s not what I do that makes me who I am.  It’s not my outside appearance that makes me special.  It’s not how well I perform or go about my work.  I am who I am because of who I am in Christ–because of what He has done for me.  I am accepted because Christ accepts me.

You and I are accepted by Christ no matter what.  This list tells us who you are in Christ.  So when you look in the mirror, you can lift that chin up and be confident in the Lord despite what you see or wish you could see.  You are His beloved!  You are accepted!

“This undeniable, unavoidable longing for a sense of value is a sanctified hunger placed in us by God’s design, but we will never experience inner peace until we face the truth that nothing of this world–our appearance, our past or present performance, possessions, or the opinions of other–can fulfill our longing for security and significance…Our hunger within will persist unsatisfied until we can see ourselves not through the eyes of the world but through the eyes of our loving Lord” (Hunger Within, Chapter 5: Worth Not Shame).

When you know who you are in Christ and you know you can accept your body as is, you will start to relax and be thankful for your body.  It’s not quitting or giving up.  It’s not saying you will never release another pound.  It’s being confident that the Lord loves you and accepts you right where you are at and that He will complete the work He has started in you.  I really think this is a vital part of the journey toward freedom in this area of our lives, especially if you have been worshiping the skinny idol.

“When we accept ourselves for what we are, we decrease our hunger for power or the acceptance of others because our self-intimacy reinforces our inner sense of security” (Hunger Within, Chapter 5: Worth Not Shame).

When you know who you are in Christ and this journey becomes about what’s within, you focus on your heart relationship with Christ and not the number on a scale.  If you are first starting your journey this may feel hard to imagine or accept because you just want the added weight gone.  And I can encourage you that you will release weight in conjunction with the Lord working on your inner man as well.  It’s pretty amazing!

Would you like to renew your mind with some truths about who you are in Christ?  Here are some truths to get you started:

Who I Am In Christ

  • I am God’s child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which lives and abides forever 1 Pet. 1:23
  • I am forgiven all my sins and washed in the blood Eph. 1:7
  • I am a new creature II Cor. 5:17
  • I am the temple of the Holy Spirit I Cor. 6:19
  • I am delivered from the power of darkness and transformed into God’s kingdom Col. 1:13
  • I am redeemed from the curse of the law Gal. 3:13
  • I am strong in the Lord Eph.6:10
  • I am holy and without blame before Him Eph. 1:4
  • I am accepted in Christ Eph. 1:6
  • I am blessed Deut. 28:1-14
  • I am a saint Rom. 1:7
  • I am qualified to share in His inheritance Col. 1:12
  • I am the head and not the tail.
  • I am above only and not beneath Deut. 28:13
  • I am victorious Rev. 21:7
  • I am dead to sin Rom.6: 2, 11
  • I am elect Col. 3:12
  • I am loved with an everlasting love Jer. 31:3
  • I am established to the end I Cor. 1:8
  • I am set free Jn. 8:31-33
  • I am circumcised with the circumcision  made without hands Col. 2:11
  • I am crucified with Christ Gal. 2:20
  • I am alive with Christ Eph. 2:5
  • I am raised up with Christ and seated in  heavenly places Col. 2:12
  • I am His faithful follower Eph. 5:1
  • I am the light of the world Matt. 5:14
  • I am the salt of the earth Matt. 5:13
  • I am called of God II Tim. 1:9
  • I am brought near by the blood of Christ Eph. 2:13
  • I am more than a conqueror Rom. 8:37
  • I am in Christ Jesus by His doing I Cor. 1:30
  • I am an ambassador for Christ II Cor. 5:20
  • I am beloved of God I Thess. 1:4
  • I am the first fruits among His creation James 1:18
  • I am born of God and the evil one does  not touch me I Jn. 5:18
  • I am a king and a priest unto God Rev. 1:6
  • I am a joint heir with Christ Rom. 8:17
  • I am reconciled to God II Cor. 5:18
  • I am overtaken with blessings Deut. 28:2
  • I am healed by the wounds of Jesus I Pet. 2:24
  • I am in the world as He is in heaven I Jn. 4:17
  • I am a fellow citizen with the saints of the household of God Eph. 2:19
  • I am sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit Eph. 1:13
  • I am complete in Christ Col. 2:10
  • I am the apple of my Father’s eye Ps. 17:8
  • I am free from condemnation Rom. 8:1
  • I am the righteousness of God  through Jesus Christ II Cor. 5:21
  • I am chosen I Thess. 1:4
  • I am firmly rooted, built up, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness Col. 2:7
  • I am a disciple of Christ because
  • I have love for others Jn. 13:34-35
  • I am built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone Eph. 2:20
  • I am a partaker of His divine nature II Pet. 1:4
  • I am God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works Eph. 2:10
  • I am being changed into His image Phil. 1:6
  • I am one in Christ! Hallelujah! Jn. 17:21-23
  • I have all my needs met by God according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus Phil. 4:19
  • I have the mind of Christ I Cor. 2:16
  • I have everlasting life Jn. 6:47
  • I have a guaranteed inheritance Eph. 1:14
  • I have abundant life Jn. 10:10
  • I have overcome the world 1 Jn. 5:4
  • I have the peace of God which passes understanding Phil. 4:7
  • I have access to the Father by one Spirit Eph. 2:18
  • I can do all things through Jesus Christ Phil. 4:13
  • I walk in Christ Jesus Col. 2:6
  • I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God Phil. 3:14
  • I live by the law of the Holy Spirit Rom. 8:2
  • I know God’s voice Jn. 10:14
  • I show forth His praise I Pet. 2:9
  • I always triumph in Christ II Cor. 2:14

P.S. I created a Sound Cloud recording reading these truths.  Enjoy!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
I’m a THIS!

I’m a THIS!


Image by Jeff Ratcliff, courtesy of

If you’ve read the Thin Within book, you’ll likely remember the story about the eagle that thought he was chicken. If you haven’t read the Thin Within book yet, I’ll recap for you quickly.

One day a naturalist was passing by a farm and as he looked over at the chicken yard, he noticed a beautiful eagle mingling with all the chickens. Perplexed, he stopped and asked the farmer why there was an eagle pecking corn with the chickens. Equally perplexed, the farmer told the naturalist that he didn’t know why the eagle was there. He explained that the eagle had been there for a very long time and refused to leave, fly or scare away. “He believes he is a chicken,” responded the naturalist. After multiple attempts to get the eagle to leave the chicken yard, the naturalist eventually had the idea to teach the eagle to fly. He put the eagle in a cage and hiked up a very large mountain. He took the eagle up where the rest of the eagles lived and the moment the eagle saw his natural setting and his fellow eagles, he realized who he was. He stretched his wings and flew…high above the chicken yard.

The moral of the story is that the things we believe about ourselves have a tremendous power over the actions we take. If we believe ourselves to be all the wonderful things that God declares us to be, we will likely behave like those very things. But if we believe ourselves to be failures, destined for defeat…guess what? We’ll likely behave (and eat) like one!

I remember one of the first times I began to believe that I was a naturally thin eater. It was after watching one of Beth Moore’s videos in her Believing God series. She recounted an argument with God that she had recently had over engaging in a tempting behavior that she knew wasn’t His best for her. “God! I want to do that! I think that will make me feel good and everyone else is doing it!” she exclaimed. “Why would you want to do that Beth? You’re a ThisThis-es do this, not that,” God said back to her.

It was like a light switch turned on in my brain. I am called to be a naturally thin eater through Thin Within. So why on earth would I ever want to stuff myself beyond a 5 or adhere to a diet mentality or do anything outside of God’s best for me? Behaving like someone wrapped in bondage is the opposite of the victorious freedom in Thin Within God has called me to!

I have found myself in many many many situations saying in my head “I’m a THIS! There’s no need to do that, because I’m a this!” Whether I’m tempted to eat past a 5 or order food at a restaurant even though I’m nowhere near a 0, knowing that God has called me to be a naturally thin eater, helps me act like one and gracefully bow out of any situation where I may be tempted or already engaging in a behavior that doesn’t align with the Thin Within boundaries that I have committed to.

It’s a wonderful thing to get out of that chicken yard and finally stretch your wings as an eagle!

How about you?

Do you ever feel like an eagle stuck in a chicken coop? What barriers might be in the way of you accepting, believing, and acting upon being a naturally thin eater? Are you ready to accept your identity as a this (naturally thin eater, victorious in Christ, obedient, covered in grace, redeemed etc.) and not a that (failure, stuck in a dieting mentality, rebellious, hopeless etc.)?

Embracing A New Identity

Embracing A New Identity

Gratitude Makes a Difference

I replaced the light bulbs in my bathroom this week. Two bulbs over my mirror had burned out long ago, and because of their height above the mirror, I postponed the replacement for months.

And then my husband informed me that a repairman was coming to replace our water heater. He would need access to our master bath to check his work. I immediately went to work cleaning up the bath, including replacing the lights with new, extra bright bulbs. When I hit the light switch, I saw my face in a new light, literally.

You know, the right light can change everything. It can change our priorities and choices. It can change our perceptions and immediate plans.

Let’s just say my tweezers saw some heavy action that afternoon.

This has been very similar to my experience with the boundary of 0-5 eating. It has been a bright light in my life, and what it is revealing has surprised me. Perhaps I am not who I thought I was.

Because weight loss wasn’t a major concern for me, I thought the 0-5 boundaries were a wonderful tool. Notice I said, “tool,” and not “boundary.” You use a tool when you need it. Tools are morally and spiritually neutral. They’re useful and wonderful but only occasionally necessary.

A boundary is a commitment that reflects a moral or spiritual truth. Boundaries also hint at which identity I have embraced, and what I have given authority in my life. To recognize 0-5 eating as a boundary moves its priority up in my life because it reflects what I believe to be true.  0-5 eating is not an occasional tool anymore; it’s part of my daily walk with God.

That means that my commitment to this boundary is a lifelong commitment. With diets, there is a goal and an end date. “I’m only going to lose a few pounds,” I might have said long ago. “Then this diet will be done.”

When we choose to recognize 0-5 eating as a God-honoring boundary, we’re committing for life. Weight loss is not the goal; submission is.

As I make daily eating choices based on the truth that God is my ultimate authority, I find His light growing stronger and brighter. I have found, much to my surprise, that not everything is really what I once thought. When faced with conflict in the past, I fought for what I wanted, and what I thought was right. Today, however, I recognize that submission to God’s leading is the quickest route to inner peace, and inner peace is more valuable to me than winning a fight. I can trust God to work things out in His own time, and my “assistance” is often not required.

Choosing 0-5 eating as a boundary has changed a lot of things for me and I have begun to realize I am capable of big changes. I can do new things, and in new ways. Submission and obedience are tough but tender teachers. I have found a peace I didn’t know was available. I’ve learned that my real strength comes from surrender.  And that God can surprise us all at any moment in our journey, leading us somewhere bright and new.

What About You?

Do you think of 0-5 eating as a tool, or a boundary? Do you think there is a difference for you?

When you consider the words “surrender” and “submission,” what is your first reaction? Is it pleasant or negative?

If you lost all the weight today that you wanted to lose, would you still continue with the 0-5 eating guidelines? Why or why not?


Is God Enough?

Is God Enough?


Image courtesy of Idea go /

A few years ago God took me on an emotional healing journey, which lasted about 4 years.  It was a very hard time in my life, but such a blessing at the same time.  One of the areas the Lord addressed was my area of security, or rather, my lack of security in Him.  It was really about where I was placing my identity, because it certainly wasn’t in Christ.

It all started when the Lord asked me a question.  I had been waiting for a few years for Him to fulfill a promise He specifically gave me in a dream.  It wasn’t only a promise, but a desire He placed in my heart.  And so in that discouraging time of not seeing the evidence of His promise, He asked me, “If you never had this thing, would I be enough for you?”  I remember right where I was, standing in front of our dining room table.  I didn’t have to think about His question for very long at all when I spouted off, “No!”  I wasn’t ready to sacrifice that promise.  Oh, it really bothered me that He would ask me that.  How dare He!?  And so the journey to placing my true identity in Christ began.

I knew in my head who I was in Christ.  I read my Bible.  I spent time praying and in Bible studies.  I only listened to Christian music.  I sang on the worship team at church and was a leader for the youth group.  I knew my stuff, but I was so insecure.  I had fears.  I didn’t like myself.  I didn’t even know who I was.  And I really didn’t know who I was in Christ.

Over a long period of time, the Lord showed me all of the things I was putting my security and identity in.  He would show me one thing, we would work on that one thing, and then it was on to the next thing.  I’m glad He worked slowly with me because otherwise it would have felt very overwhelming.  I was shocked at the things I was placing my identity and security in.  It was in food, in my friends, in my husband, in where I lived, in my past, in being a mother, in my job, etc.  There were so many things.  I remember the day he showed me how I was putting my security into one particular friendship.  I couldn’t believe it!

When I say I didn’t know myself, I mean I didn’t even know the basics about myself.  Like, I didn’t even know what my favorite color was.  I believed it was blue and purple, but after awhile the Lord showed me that I only liked those colors because they were “safe” colors to like.  (My favorite color is actually orange!)  Even a little toddler might know their favorite color.  (I think my daughter likes pink!)  But that’s how lost I was.

I even believed things about the Bible, but I didn’t really have anything to stand on aside from what someone told me to believe.  So I had to start at ground zero with some of those beliefs.  The Lord took me back to the basics and taught me

His truth so I could know without a doubt why I believe what I believe.  I couldn’t lean upon someone else’s Bible teaching.  I had to go to the Teacher Himself!

I wore masks.  I pretended to be invisible.  I didn’t want anyone to know the real me because the real me could get hurt.  The real me could cry and feel pain.  It felt safer to hide behind all of my false identities.  No one could hurt the real me because they didn’t know the real me.

And the Lord stripped all of my defenses away.  I had built a wall around my heart, and He began to tear it down brick by brick.  There were times it was so scary that I was trying to build up that wall again even as He was taking it down, but of course He won that battle.  Praise God!  He showed me my true identity in Christ.  All of the façade was washed away.  All of my defenses were brought down.  But I wasn’t left desolate or feeling naked.  As the Lord revealed the false identities, He also began to clothe me with my true identity.  It really was and is a beautiful work!

I praise Him for what He’s done.  I can honestly say that I’m at a place where I know who I am in Christ.  Yes, there are times when I’m tried and tested, but ultimately, I am no longer moved or threatened by things as I used to be.  I keep my eyes on Christ and He is there with me.  There are quirks about me (we all have them), but I rejoice knowing that this is how the Lord made me.  And He loves me for me!  All of those false identities went to the wayside because I know that I am something without them, but I am nothing without God.

So let’s go back to that original question that started all of this: “Is God enough?”

And my question now is a loud and joyous YES!!!!!!!

I can honestly say that I got to that place where I knew in my heart that if I never saw the fulfillment of His promise, that I would still praise Him.  That I would still live for Him.  The realization that brought me the most joy was knowing that no matter what, I can still have more of God!  He is enough for me!

Nothing fulfills or satisfies me like the Lord does.  Like Jesus does.  It’s like an overflowing cup.  He just keeps on pouring in and I am full of Him.  It’s so beautiful!  Nothing in this world satisfies my heart like He does.  Not my friends, not my job, not my husband, not my house, not my role as a mother, not food, not anything.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.  Matthew 24:35

It was a journey.  Four years feels like forever when you are in the midst of it.  But it was so worth it.  Maybe you are in the midst of a similar journey.  Maybe you have no idea who you really are or who you are in Christ.  My friend, He will show you!  He wants to fulfill that desire.  He wants to satisfy you.  No food will satisfy that.  No person will.  No job.  No amount of money.  No friend.  Only Jesus!

You are precious in His sight.  He loves you.  He wants to be your Protector.  He wants to clothe you in Him and His righteousness.  He is drawing you to Him.  Allow Him to take down those defenses and those false identities.  And He will give you all that you need, He will not leave you defenseless.

Your identity is in Christ.  He is Your rock!  Stand upon Him!

How about you?

Is your true identity in Christ, or are you hiding behind false identities?  How do you see this come into play with your eating?  If God were to ask you if He was enough for you, would you be able to give him a joyful “YES!” or would you tell Him “No!” like I did that first time?  He is our strong tower, our refuge…run to Him and HE will keep you safe!

Tonight (before this posts tomorrow), the Lord has been prompting me to ask another question.  What if you never reached your “goal weight”, would He still be enough for you?  He’s not saying you won’t get to your God-given weight.  What He wants to shine His light on is, are you focusing so much on a goal weight or size that it’s become a false identity in your life?  Have you used food, dieting, or your reason to lose weight as something you have hidden behind or have found comfort in?  He wants to be enough for you, no matter what your weight or size.  He is more concerned about your heart.  Is your heart fully His?

Who Are You? – Identity in Christ – Lesson 3 TW Class 2014

Who Are You? – Identity in Christ – Lesson 3 TW Class 2014

Image Source: iStock Photo

Image Source: iStock Photo

Many people have shared in our class Facebook group that they are seeing evidence that God is doing a new thing. One way is through the Body Awareness (Mirror Mirror) Activity that we did last week on Day Three. Class participants shared that they had breakthroughs in how they feel about their bodies. If you haven’t yet done this activity, please don’t put it off. It IS hard, yes, but prayerfully invite God to help you through it. In fact, Lesson 2’s webinar, includes my walking us through it. I hope you find it helpful! The Hallidays have included it in nearly every book and workbook that Thin Within has created, so it is clear that they feel, after helping people since 1975…this is important!

[[In case you missed it, last night’s wrap up of Lesson 2 Webinar on is available as an audio file here. Here are the Webinar Group Discussion Questions Lesson 1]]

This week we turn our attention to a very vital area for renewing our minds with truth. I hope you have your spiral deck of index cards and pen ready. (Some of our class members are using colored pens and artwork to create compelling — and fun! — cards.)  We are going to look at our Identity in Christ. So often we get our sense of value, purpose, and identity from our performance at the various roles we have in life. We will see what God’s thoughts are on this subject this week. When we begin to think God’s thoughts after him about who we are most fundamentally, all kinds of things are possible!

Video Questions:

1. What will happen as we begin to think God’s thoughts after him (renew our minds with truth) about our identity?

2. From 02:29 to 03:28  I share a list of who you are in Christ. Which of these are most meaningful to you personally? Why? Do you believe that this is who you are? Why or why not? Make a truth card that tells you that you *are* that! This week, read your cards out loud. Here is the  Who I Am in Christ list that I read from on the video.

3. Failure is something that you ______. It is not something that you ______.

4. Failure does not need to be an __________________. Failure can be the best _____________ that we’ve got going.

5. How can the tool of Observation and Correction help you turn failure into victory?

6. I speak about “falling off the horse” and “getting back on again.” What does that look like, practically speaking, on this Thin Within journey?

7.  What makes you “worthy” of Heaven? How does this apply to our Thin Within journeys?

8. If you believed you were more than a conqueror, how might that affect how you live and the choices you would make?

9. What are you telling yourself about who you are? Are you telling yourself the truth?

10. Of the lies I mention at the end, which can you identify with the most?

Renewing the Mind – Pressing On

NOTE: Don’t be overwhelmed by the material in this part of the “assignment” each week. This section is here to give you ideas for renewing your mind. Maybe just pick ONE thing and try it out each week. Thinking differently about food, our bodies, our God, life is vital if we want changes that will last!

What are strategies you are currently using to renew your mind so that you believe the things we are studying? We don’t typically lack knowledge. We lack BELIEF! So speaking the truths from our lessons into our souls again and again will serve us well if we want to see our beliefs change. Remember, this progression?:

Beliefs –> Actions –> Patterns –> Fruit

If we don’t feel like there is fruit in our lives that concurs with our godly goals, then we want to back up. What patterns are in our lives? Back up a bit further to see what actions or choices are we making in the moment. Remembering that moment upon moment is what our lives (patterns) are based on, we see that choices are fueled by our beliefs. So, if we don’t like the fruit in our lives or are convicted that this isn’t honoring to God, we must go back to our beliefs and begin to work with our own minds, hearts, and souls to change what we believe. We can do this by telling ourselves the truth repeatedly. Here is a short list of ways to do that:

1. Music – Christian music does a great job of this. Secular music, not necessarily so much. “Poor Poor Pitiful Me” is not going to help you to live like “More than a Conqueror!” For ideas for a Renew Your Mind Play list visit this post or this set of posts.

2. Truth Cards – Make ’em, Read ’em, Recite ’em, Record ’em, LISTEN to ’em! Yes! You can use your computer (most laptops are equipped to make audio recordings) or your device to record yourself reading your truth cards. Then, you can listen to them with your earphones or your blue tooth. Even if you “aren’t in the mood” to read them, you can passively have them playing through your head throughout the day or while you vacuum, prepare a meal, go grocery shopping. It is a great way of having the truth saturate your thinking.

3. JOURNAL through a set of questions in Barb Raveling’s I Deserve a Donut and Other Lies that Make You Eat or the I Deserve a Donut appI do believe journaling these questions at least once makes all the difference in getting the material into your heart. After journaling a set, you can pull truths from them in statements to add to your truth cards. Then, in the future, when you know you are struggling with worry, insecurity, or annoyance (for instance) you will be more able to benefit from using the questions by thinking through them. Journaling won’t always be necessary, but I do suggest it at first. (I journal a set of her questions at least once a day even though I have been doing this a long time!)

4. Set your timer to check in with God and recite a truth that is meaningful to you from memory. Visit this page to see what I mean.

5. Download Sound Cloud files to listen to.

6. Watch YouTube videos.

7. Get and use the Thin Within app.

Trade Book Assignment – To Be Completed by January 27th

Here is Study Guide Week 3 of the yet-unpublished Thin Within Book Study Guide. I would love to get your feedback if you are using this material. Is it worth publishing? 🙂

Workbook Assignment – To Be Completed by January 27th

1. Read, highlight, mark Lesson 3, Identity in Christ, on pages B32 – B38 or listen to the audio file of Lesson 3 at  Sound Cloud. Discuss it here in the comments section below this post or at our Class Private Facebook Group Page.

2. Complete the exercises for Lesson 3 on pages B40-B44. Use your discretion about the optional exercises on pages B45-B46. Next Monday before the webinar, respond to the Review questions on page B47.

**Note** Did you know that I post a question each day at our Workbook Study Facebook Group? Come on over and discuss what you are discovering there. Feel free to post what God is doing in your life, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, too. Our class is releasing weight and strongholds!

3. Continue to add to your “God List.” Can you add 10 things this week? Or more? I would love to hear what you are adding!

4. Have one Praise Fest this week (or more!) and share about it with us here.

5. Use the entries for Day 15 through Day 21 in the Temple Toolkit. This week, the Thin Within Food Log is added to the choices of tools for you to use if you like. This is optional. Many of us do not have the freedom to use the Thin Within food log at this time. That is perfectly ok. Ask the Lord if he would have you use it or not. Do what He saysIf you do choose to use it, remember that it isn’t a weigh and measure sort of log. It is just for added accountability for your hunger numbers primarily. It can also be very helpful to write down how you felt while eating. I write really small when I use this tool since I generally eat more than four times each day. Don’t be limited by the lines! If you want a larger place to write, download this copy of the Thin Within Food_Log. Again, please do not feel like you have to use this tool. Some of us are so fresh out of dieting that to do this might throw us back into our old dieting ways. That is NOT what we want! If you have the Thin Within app, you can use the Food Log tool included in it, if you like. You can send it to your accountability partner, straight from the app!

6. Evaluate how it is going with eating at 0. Are you eating at 0 more often than not? Have you found 5? Many find it helpful at first to use the boundaries of “Hungry? or Not Hungry?” instead of 0 to 5 and all the in-between numbers. Do what works for you. Are you experiencing freedom with your selection of food choices or are you still categorizing foods into categories from your dieting days? (“Junk food,” “healthy food,”, etc.) Ask the Lord to help you experience freedom from your dieting past, if so–Renew Your Mind! 🙂 If you need convincing, list to 7 Reasons To Ditch Dieting Forever.

7. Interact here in the comments or at the Facebook group.

How About You?

How did the second week of our journey go for you? What is God impressing upon your heart?  What questions do you have at this point? How can we best serve and encourage you?

What are you anticipating as you go forward into this week? God IS DOING a new thing!