Around 2008 I first learned about Thin Within and I found Heidi’s blog that chronicled how God healed her emotionally and spiritually so that she could release weight and grow in relationship with Him. For me, this was a radical approach because I didn’t think I could ever break free. I bought the TW book, started participating in some of the on-line chats, and then studied a TW workbook with another local participant. All of it gave me great head knowledge, but I still struggled to put it into practice. I continued to dabble in TW and various forms of dieting for the next 13 years.
In winter 2021 I realized that I needed additional help. Not only had I increased my weight through the pandemic working at our county hospital, I found that food no longer gave me even momentary joy, so I made the decision to reach out for on-on-one coaching with Heidi.
My initial goal was to find hope for freedom from compulsive eating/dieting with the side goal of releasing weight. I appreciate Heidi’s focus on grace, mind renewal, and finding our identity in Christ. Mind renewal is key in this process – if I am going to undo decades of dieting mentality, I must renew my mind to things that are eternally True. I also am grateful for having someone that I could be accountable to weekly. Thirdly, the Fresh Wind Fresh Desire workbook gave me ways to practically walk though mind renewal and consider how my former thought patterns no longer serve me. These three components combined helped me release 25 pounds during the coaching period. In order to continue on my journey I have transitioned into the Inner Circle and I look forward to the freedom that God has for me!
I’m so happy for you. Congratulations and thank you for sharing. God is good all the time.