Oops! I forgot to post an assignment!

This week we will focus on chapters 27 and 28 in Thin Within.

In these chapters, we are challenged to apply being conscious of what we do–of being in the present moment–into our schedules and our approach to time management! YIKES! 🙂

I am convicted that God doesn’t want me to compartmentalize my life but, instead, to offer all that I am to him. That means welcoming his “invasion” into my eating, my drinking, my time, my spending and saving and …well…EVERYTHING!

I hope you will post here what God shows you.

Continue to praise God for his attributes. If you have “fallen off the bandwagon” ask him to show you if it is because your focus has reverted back to you, your body, your food, your size, your clothes… Then ask him for a holy paradigm shift! It is all about HIM! 🙂

Establish or re-establish and recommit to godly boundaries that you know in your heart of hearts that God wants you to live by for this season. Commit for a week and see how it goes. Don’t head for “overkill,” but if you have been wandering aimlessly for a while, how about starting with one… “I will enjoy food I desire to eat when I am completely physically hungry. Until I reach that point, I will live life with my heart and mind focused elsewhere!”

The past two days have been filled with emotional hurdles for me, but God is growing me to fix my eyes on him in the middle of it and I haven’t allowed my emotions to drive me to food, thankfully. I was on a bad track last week! He has been faithful to rescue me!

Let’s press on! This isn’t over when the book comes to an end. 🙂

If anyone is interested, I think I will go into Judy Halliday’s newest book after I am done with Thin Within. I have never gone all the way through HEAL. It was written with Allie Marie Smith and is written with younger women in mind, but I imagine God can use it with an old fogie like me! LOL! If you are interested in participating in it, please get a copy of HEAL. It is available from Amazon here. I will probably be starting that about September 7th or so. We will finish it before the holidays–it has six chapters. Short, sweet and power-packed!