After the first “freedom” phase of Thin Within–the phase where we have tossed aside our former dieting mentality and all the “Good Food/Bad Food” lists that restricted us in our dieting days–we move on to the second phase–the discernment phase. This is when many people begin to notice that they actually enjoy foods that they had to eat when they were on diets. So sitting down to a wonderfully, nutrient-rich salad may end up being a “whole body pleaser” experience for you. Not only is that ok, but it is desirable!
That is…UNLESS you allow certain thinking (and acting) to kick in!
There are some potential pit-falls to be aware of as you head into the discernment phase and begin to select more nutrient-dense foods.
Pitfall Number 1: Many of us come from dieting pasts when fresh fruits and vegetables were considered “freebies.” We didn’t have to “count” them so we could have them as often as we liked. If we bring this thinking into our Thin Within program, it will mean that we will justify eating those foods even if we aren’t yet at a 0. Remember that no matter what form your fuel comes in–a candy bar OR a salad–if your body doesn’t need the fuel (as indicated by clear hunger signals) it will be stored on your body…as…well, you guessed it: Fat! So whatever you select as the food you will eat at any time, you want to do so only when you are at a clear “0”–physically hungry.
Pitfall Number 2: There is a tendency to think that because it is nutrient rich, it is a carte blanche for eating MORE of it. So, as we sit down to eat a salad (or celery or carrot sticks–or even fresh salsa!) it isn’t uncommon to do some “justification eating.” To justify having a larger portion than we need because it is, after all, a “healthy” food. Again, no matter what form the fuel comes in, if it is more than our bodies need, we will store it as fat.
Pitfall Number 3: When we eat more of a food–even a food like salad, carrot sticks, etc, we get used to quantity. We can overeat even salad. We begin to get desensitized to the feeling in our stomach that sends us the signal that we don’t need to eat that much. We then take this desensitization into eating other foods which means “energy dense” foods (or what we called “high calorie” foods in our dieting days) are then consumed in greater amounts as well, without our feeling quite so bothered by the feeling in our stomach that, had we been faithful to 0 to 5, would be uncomfortable for us.
The solution to avoiding all three of these pitfalls is to keep in mind that no matter what foods you select, you want to do so according to physical hunger–a true need for fuel–and physical satisfaction.
When you select a beneficial food like a fresh garden salad be aware of the potential to justify eating outside of your primary boundaries and the impact this can have on you the rest of the time!
How About You?
Do you see this thinking at work in you? Do you tend to think of salad and other similar foods as “freebies?” Is this affecting how sensitive you are to “5” so that you are more likely to overeat other foods as well? What will you do about this going forward?
Wow! That’s exactly what I did this past weekend! I justified eating a larger portion because it was salad after all. But, at the same time I remember there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that was telling me to stop, and I chose to ignore it. Thanks again for the realty check–I needed it! 🙂
Hi, Mary Anne. I am not a salad eater, so this mentality was first brought to my attention by my husband. Since I don’t like vegetables much at all, unless they are in salsa, I tend to justify eating salsa with an “Everyone has told me for years I need to eat more vegetables, so I guess I better comply! BRING ON THE SALSA!” Of course that is defective thinking! I can relish fresh vegetables in the form of salsa within 0 and 5!
When I had a chicken taco salad, a few days ago, complete with salsa and sour cream, I ate well past a 5. At first, I was pleased with myself for leaving a fair amount of lettuce on my plate and for nibbling only a few bites of the tortilla bowl. It was actually a while before the feeling of being too full hit me and the realization that I can eat too much salad. I also realized that I ate too fast and that greatly contributed to the overeating. One of my secondary boundaries is to eat slowly and savor each bite. Another lie which I accepted at that time was that I should eat as much as I could because the salad wouldn’t stay nice until the next day if I took it home. Well, so much for my primary boundary of 0 – 5. Obviously, I was ignoring the nudging of the Holy Spirit that it was time to stop eating. Yes, it is easier to try to justify eating a larger amount of nutrient-rich food; not so easy to justify ignoring the nudges of the Holy Spirit.
Sounds like lessons well learned, Sheila! Good for you!
“Many of us come from dieting pasts when fresh fruits and vegetables were considered “freebies.” We didn’t have to “count” them so we could have them as often as we liked.”
Yes! This has been a huge change with me, coming off the Wt. Watcher’s mentality…So..needless to say, my fruit is lasting longer, altho sometimes I would rather have fruit than sugar-filled desserts..I eat veggies with meals, and in fact tonight, I had just left over veggies for supper..I also find that I am not spending as much time or money at the grocery store..I just don’t need that much food laying around..I am free from the bondage of “worrying” what I can eat and how many points it is gonna cost me..Eating 0-5 is really the best and easiest way to go!..I’m doing well now, but I am also aware of the possibility of one day I could go outside those boundaries..but I am not going to let Satan have the last say either!
Wow, Barbi. It sounds like you are definitely in phase 2. YAY for you! And you are so wise to be alert to the enemy’s schemes, too. You go!
Amen to zero to five eating, it is the easiest way to eat and so freeing. Not to have to worry about what and when to eat. Just listen to our body’s signal for hunger and eat 0 to 5. Pray and ask God for His help and strength. 🙂 ” I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me” Philip 4:13.
When I wait for true hunger the food taste so much better and I feel better too! Refocusing my mind on the 0 to 5 and only eating and drinking when the body calls for it. By His grace I can do this way of eating for life. 🙂
Keeping my focus upon Jesus Christ the author and finisher of my faith. Amen.
Amen Jamie…Food does taste better! And we can “do ALL things” through Jesus!