My head cold that I thought I had chased off returned tonight with a vengance! So I am a bit incoherent, but wanted to take the time to jot some thoughts down about what Beth covered. I can’t possibly begin to do justice with my words. In all the series that I have seen her teach, I believe none have been with such authority and power as these sessions. I know the Lord is using her mightily. Praise His Name!
I found this session intriguing. God revisted some themes again with me…even those that I have written about here. Tonights focus was the woman at the well–I wrote about her a few days ago as I shared some notes on TLT.
So I ask the Lord…what do you have for me by reminding me yet again of the emptiness of the woman at the well and all the ways in which she strives to fill that void? Don’t let me miss it, Lord.
Some Beth-isms from this session:
“Desperation that is unsanctified makes us STUPID.”
“Desperation can be a gift, but only when it is sanctified.” — which reminded me of the woman who grabbed at the hem of Jesus’ robe. Her desperation caused her to “cross the border” (as Beth mentioned)…to go after her healing.
I want my desperation to be sanctified, to be a good thing…causing me to go after what the Lord alone can give.
Another series of “Beth-isms:”
“We uncover to excuse.
“Satan uncovers to accuse.
“Christ uncovers to diffuse.”
A profound thought Beth shared has to do with if I refuse to get still, if I fill all my potentially silent times with doing, with text messaging, with email, with whatever it may be, how can I be still? And if I can’t be still, how will I know HE is God? To know Him, I must allow myself to be still. Why do I run from the silence and stillness?
Hi Heidi…Thanks so much for sharing from these sessions… Hope you’ll be feeling better soon.Being willng NOT to escape the silence is an area that the Lord is working on in my life.