
Would it be weird to tell you that this post was inspired by the movie Finding Nemo?  When you have a two year old, inspiration comes from all sorts of random places.

In the movie, Nemo and his aquarium friends are trying to find ways to get Nemo out of the aquarium and into the ocean to find his father.  One plan they come up with is throwing a rock into the filter to make it stop working.  Their plan worked (the second time of trying) and the aquarium was soon filled with slimy, green goo.  When I saw this part in the movie, I started thinking about the importance of having a filter in our mind, keeping out the junk and keeping in the pure.

Heidi has talked so much about the importance of renewing our minds in order to change the way we look at food, our bodies, dieting, etc.  When we renew our minds, we are recognizing the lies and replacing those lies with truth.  There’s another important part to this: filtering out the junk.

How is your filter functioning?  Is there a rock stuck in it?  Do you let nasty, disgusting things pass through?

What do you allow into your mind?  What are you focusing on?  What do you see with your eyes?

Are you standing guard over your mind?

Can you handle watching shows that encourage dieting and excessive exercise like The Biggest Loser?  Can you flip through a copy of a fitness or dieting magazine at the doctor’s office waiting room?  Or do those types of things stir up anxiety inside of your mind?  Are you tempted to buy that new, bestselling dieting book, thinking, “This could be the one!”?

What are you reading?  What are you watching?  What are you listening to?

Is it time to get the rock out of the filter?


Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth,
And put perverse lips far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
And your eyelids look right before you.
Ponder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways be established.
 Do not turn to the right or the left;
Remove your foot from evil.  Proverbs 4:23-27


I will set nothing wicked before my eyes.  Psalm 101:3a


I’ve been watching The Biggest Loser for years.  Since the Lord has been doing so much in my life this year, I didn’t want to hinder progress by watching a show that might tempt me to even think about dieting.  So I prayed and asked Him if it would be alright if I watched it.  He gave me peace to watch it.  I won’t go into the reasons of why I like to watch the show (that’s for another post), but this is just an example of something that could trip us up if we aren’t carefully watching over our mind and heart.

The same sort of thing happened with a Prevention magazine in the waiting room at my chiropractor’s office.  I used to find the articles interesting, but the last time I opened the pages I found myself appalled by the magazine.  I had no peace reading it so I put it down immediately.

What about those innocent conversations with friends about the latest dieting fad?  I used to be sucked into those conversations.  I would ask questions.  I would even buy the book.  My curiosity was spiked.  But now I do all I can to exit out of those conversations or avoid them altogether.  God has brought me so far; I’m not interested in allowing any of that back into my mind.  It wasn’t easy at first, but the more time I spent pouring God’s truth into my mind, the more junk was cleaned out.  I want my mind’s filter to dissolve every lie.

It’s been really important for me to filter out anything that could trip me up because in the past I would take those kinds of things mentioned above and obsess.  And when I say obsess, I mean OBSESS!  I would buy the diet book and read (consume) it back to front, looking and searching for that final answer to help me lose weight, feel better, be healthy, etc.  And then I would talk about it and think about it and talk about it and think about it…  And I would talk with my husband about it and he would get so tired of hearing me talk about food.  Good thing he is a very patient man!  It was like reading, watching, and talking about dieting was my ‘fix’.  In fact, the Lord clearly told me that one time.  That was one of those “ouch” moments of truth.  It was my drug.  But praise God because He freed me from all of that!  I chose to stop looking at those things and instead I looked to Him.  He became my focus.  I looked to His word for truth.  He has been so faithful!  He brought me out of that miry, gooey pit!  Praise God!


He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps.  Psalm 40:2

How about you?

How is your filter functioning?  Does it need some maintenance?  I want to encourage you to pour God’s truth into your mind.  Watch over the doors of your mind.  Stand guard over every single thing you hear, see, and think about.  If you are not sure about something, ask the Lord.  He will clearly show you.

Written by: Christina