I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Galatians 5:16-18
I LOVE when I’m reading a verse I’ve read thousands of times jumps out at me and the Holy Spirit reveals this super amazing and awesome powerful truth to me as if I’ve read it for the first time!! It’s always so exciting! That’s what happened one day when I read this verse.
When I am following after the Spirit’s guidance with my eating, I am not giving into my flesh or the enemy’s temptations. That is pure and simple truth. And if I’m being led of the Spirit, it is not necessary to be under a law. For me, being under a law when it comes to food is following a diet (man-made set of rules in regards to what, when, and how much I should eat). I have noticed that when I’m following after my flesh and giving into temptation, I immediately think I need to jump back on the diet bandwagon. So when I read this verse, it finally made sense to me why my thoughts would go to dieting after eating outside of my boundaries. Knowing this brought me a sense of freedom because IF I follow the Spirit, I am set free from dieting or any kind of eating “law”. Praise God!
So how does one follow after the Spirit when it comes to eating? And eating within the principles of Thin Within? Well, first of all, I think you have to know without a doubt that eating 0-5 (between hunger and fullness) is what God has called you to do. Heidi has talked about this many times. And then if you are convinced that 0-5 is what the Lord wants for you, then you know that the Holy Spirit is going to guide you to stay within those boundaries of hunger and fullness and whatever secondary boundaries He asks for you to follow (which could be boundaries such as eating without distraction, eating slowly, eating while sitting, etc.). The Holy Spirit will gently lead you. And if you are listening, you will hear His gentle voice, like a shepherd with his sheep, guiding you. He will prompt you. He will ask you questions. He will help you in time of need.
And as long as you are listening to Him, you won’t need ANY other voices telling you what you should eat, how you should eat, etc.
I truly believe and am convinced that God has created us all to eat within hunger and fullness. I guess you could say it’s like a divine plan for our life in taking care of our bodies. It’s obvious that it was never His will that we become gluttonous and overweight, because look at all of the problems we can have with our health when we are. I am also convinced that He doesn’t want us following some regimented and strict diet plan because that wreaks havoc upon our physical body and our mind. Something is unbalanced when we are eating in a way that numbs the natural hunger and fullness signals, whether it’s from a strict diet plan, overeating on purpose, or any type of eating disorder. God is a God of order, not disorder. And I think that eating within hunger and fullness (0-5) is a very peaceful, pleasant, and orderly way of eating. Praise God! His ways are perfect!
A friend of mine shared one of her truth cards with me. It’s a quote by Jack Hayford from the New Spirit Filled Bible:
“We are called to war against the flesh. Our flesh urges indulgence and the Holy Spirit constrains us to righteousness. Victory in this war is found in: abiding in right relationship with Jesus, understanding that true strength is found in our weakness, and continually submitting to the unction and urging of the Spirit. Victory comes as we take these practical steps, avoiding or overcoming the pull of our flesh.”
I’ve heard it said from Heidi and others that there are times when we can make 0-5 a “law”. Of course, this isn’t what God intends for us. I believe this is where we need to be graceful with ourselves and ask the Lord how we can go about eating within hunger and fullness without turning it into another diet plan. It takes time to get back to God’s natural order with our eating, especially if we’ve dieted for many years. It takes time to get back in tune with those intuitive signals. And for some of us, the diet mentality may be so engrained in our brains that it may take time to completely let go of all of those rules we were so used to being under before. The Holy Spirit can help us with that as well.
There have been times the Holy Spirit has asked me to stop eating, prompted me about when to stop, and has asked me not to eat because I wasn’t hungry. He’s also asked me at times to leave a bite on my plate. Sometimes I really don’t want to, but I know He knows what He’s talking about, so I choose to obey.
I’m so excited to know that if I’m following after the Spirit, I don’t even have to concern myself with thinking I need to go on another diet plan. This brings me so much relief and joy! There have been times during this journey where I have felt like I need to go back to measuring, weighing, and tracking my food during the times when I felt like I have failed. But now I realize that I don’t need a diet. I need the Holy Spirit. He will show me truth and lead me into all truth.
How about you?
Are you convinced that the Lord wants you to eat 0-5? If so, do you trust the Holy Spirit to lead you in your eating? When you feel like you’ve failed, do you automatically think you need to go on a diet? I’ve been there myself, but now I see that if I keep on renewing my mind and continue on this journey with the Lord, that I won’t need to diet. Praise God!
The Lord is so gracious. I started out on this journey over a year ago, and then walked away from it. Now I am back again and the Lord is showing me different things from the first time .
One major thing for me was my consumption of diet coke. I was addicted to the stuff drinking 8 to 10 cans a day. I tried kicking the habit on my own several times and suffered with headaches, being jittery and feeling sick. The thought of quitting again did not thrill me. A few days back the Lord led me to watch a movie that as well as promoting a special diet also gave some very sound advice. One of them was on what happens chemically in our bodies when we consume large amounts of aspartame and caffeine which are two major ingredients in diet coke. The Lord spoke to me so clearly it was if He was sitting beside me, that it was time to give it up and throw out my “stash” of pop. I did and then turned to Him and said that He would really have to help me through this because I just knew the effects would not be good and I could not afford to miss work because of this. I am truly amazed, I have not had one single effect from suddenly stopping!! Not one headache or anything. I am beginning to feel great, the aching tired feeling I was suffering from is gone.
I am rejoicing in the way the Lord has healed me from this.
I know the Lord wants me to eat 0-5 but first He needed to clear the road blocks out of the way.
That’s really neat what He showed you about the diet soda! He will continue to lead you!
Hi, Ellen. Would you mind emailing me at heidi bylsma at gmail dot com and telling me the title of the movie? I would benefit from seeing it. How is it going today? I have been reducing my diet soda intake considerably as well.
My goodness, Ellen. What a testimony!! And how in our own strength we cannot do it, but with God’s help, anything is possible, if we give it totally to Him! I’m praising the Lord with you.
I find that after 8 weeks into this journey, my 5 is changing. It now takes so little food to feel satisfied (usually about a cup) and I only get hungry once, or maybe twice, a day. Some days I feel like throwing a temper tantrum over so little food, and other days I marvel that God has created my body to live on that amount of food. I am hoping that the tantrums become fewer and the marveling increases!
Theresa, I hear you! Sometimes I’m so bummed at how little it takes to satisfy me. But then it’s also exciting to see at the same time. God has made our body so marvelous!
So true. I love that you have just had this truth come home even further during your pregnancy. You could never doubt that again! 🙂
Oh, Theresa…this is beautiful! I am hoping that the tantrums become fewer and the marveling increases! Thank you so much for sharing your insights. I appreciate it!
Christina – your post has ministered to me today. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
Amen! I am with you, Carrie. Christina is SUCH a blessing!
I love this: a sense of freedom because IF I follow the Spirit, I am set free from dieting or any kind of eating “law”. so simple, yet profound!
I am stealing your friend’s truth card too!!
I truly enjoyed this post!!! : )
Christina, I need to read this every single day. There is so much help and guidance in what your wrote. I need a huge truth card to write that on. 🙂 Bless you for the wisdom that is in this post.