Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father’s house.
The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.~ Psalm 45:10-11
God is doing a new thing…right now, today. This is a fact! I want to rejoice in it, delight in it. To do so, I must release my hold on my past, be it 2 minutes ago, 2 decades ago or more!
For me, one of the biggest issues is the way I was raised…the memories I have from my childhood and the things I have come to believe about myself and about God that are rooted in my upbringing. As my eyes fall on this passage, the mandate from my Lord to forget my people and my father’s house is powerful. So much of who I am today seems bound up in the past!
But that is just the point! Early in my life, I learned to use food to cope with disappointments and emotions I didn’t want to feel. I learned, too, to believe the lie that food is my enemy.
God calls me to choose to forget these things…to choose to allow him to renew my mind as is spoken of in Romans 12.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy,to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approvewhat God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.~ Romans 12:1-2
But more…Psalm 45:11 tells me that I have a new truth to believe. That truth is that the King is enthralled with my beauty! Can I embrace this belief? Will I choose to believe what God says? Will I allow him to trade my old ways of thinking, rooted in “my people” and “my father’s house” and replace it with this truth that he speaks over me? To do so really would be a new thing.
How about you?
If you were to let go of all the things that you believe about yourself and trade that for believing Psalm 45:11, that the King of the Universe is enthralled with your beauty, how might this affect you today?
Feel free to use the comments part of this blog to respond.
I don’t know about you, but if I were to believe God in this, if I were to allow this thought, that He is somehow “enthralled” by my “beauty,” to go with me through the day, I believe I would live differently…and truly, radically, experience that “new thing” that God is at work doing!
I have been weeping this morning; something I rarely do anymore. I think it has something to do with the hardness in my heart–my heart is starting to soften. So something new is beginning. It doesn't feel good but I believe (just barely) that it is good. It is uncanny that you posted what you did. Because this is where I am–holding on and letting go. I also used food as a child to manage all of the emotions that were too big for me to carry. As I let go of the food (also just barely), I am finding many painful emotions here. I do not yet believe that He is enthralled by my beauty. But that will come in time. Meanwhile, I will consider and give ear.
I have been weeping this morning; something I rarely do anymore. I think it has something to do with the hardness in my heart–my heart is starting to soften. So something new is beginning. It doesn't feel good but I believe (just barely) that it is good. It is uncanny that you posted what you did. Because this is where I am–holding on and letting go. I also used food as a child to manage all of the emotions that were too big for me to carry. As I let go of the food (also just barely), I am finding many painful emotions here. I do not yet believe that He is enthralled by my beauty. But that will come in time. Meanwhile, I will consider and give ear.
"If you were to let go of all the things that you believe about yourself and trade that for believing Psalm 45:11, that the King of the Universe is enthralled with your beauty, how might this affect you today?"I don't know if this is even possible for me anymore…how can anyone love the person I've become, especially our Lord and Savior who is so perfect. I guess I'm holding on to hard to the way I view myself…no one is as hard on me as I am. I want to believe the verse and what you have written, but I feel like I lose more of myself every day. I'm so wrapped up in the binging shame cycle that I feel like a hamster on a wheel…does anyone ever get off of this…am I doomed? Sorry for the not positive post…just writing what I feel and it's not all sunshine and daisies.
"If you were to let go of all the things that you believe about yourself and trade that for believing Psalm 45:11, that the King of the Universe is enthralled with your beauty, how might this affect you today?"I don't know if this is even possible for me anymore…how can anyone love the person I've become, especially our Lord and Savior who is so perfect. I guess I'm holding on to hard to the way I view myself…no one is as hard on me as I am. I want to believe the verse and what you have written, but I feel like I lose more of myself every day. I'm so wrapped up in the binging shame cycle that I feel like a hamster on a wheel…does anyone ever get off of this…am I doomed? Sorry for the not positive post…just writing what I feel and it's not all sunshine and daisies.
Thanks for this blog and this blog entry. You are doing a good thing here. I appreciate it very much.If I were to let go of all the lies that I have been told and retold to myself about me and accepted the truth that the King of the Universe is enthralled with my beauty, I don't know how that would affect me today because it seems impossible and with men it is, but with God all things are possible… so I will ponder this thought of God being enthralled by my beauty… and let it over-ride persistent thoughts of what I SHOULD do so that others can assess my physical appearance as beautiful by worldly or cultural standards AND SEE HOW THAT AFFECTS ME TODAY. Thanks again, Heidi. I can see your beauty in your reflections on the Word of God.
Thanks for this blog and this blog entry. You are doing a good thing here. I appreciate it very much.If I were to let go of all the lies that I have been told and retold to myself about me and accepted the truth that the King of the Universe is enthralled with my beauty, I don't know how that would affect me today because it seems impossible and with men it is, but with God all things are possible… so I will ponder this thought of God being enthralled by my beauty… and let it over-ride persistent thoughts of what I SHOULD do so that others can assess my physical appearance as beautiful by worldly or cultural standards AND SEE HOW THAT AFFECTS ME TODAY. Thanks again, Heidi. I can see your beauty in your reflections on the Word of God.
Thanks, Heidi. I'm claiming this scripture right now. What a wonderful verse that is a reminder that the past simply cannot define us…it's right there in black and white!! I'm going to let "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord" resonate in me today. When the "weight" of "your people" gets heavy today….I will enjoy claiming this truth! Thanks for the wonderful reminder.
Thanks, Heidi. I'm claiming this scripture right now. What a wonderful verse that is a reminder that the past simply cannot define us…it's right there in black and white!! I'm going to let "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord" resonate in me today. When the "weight" of "your people" gets heavy today….I will enjoy claiming this truth! Thanks for the wonderful reminder.