I am making plans now to lead another Thin Within group online starting in January 2012. If you are interested in gathering once a week with other people on this journey, please consider joining us!
You will need a workbook, available by calling Thin Within at 877-729-8932 and letting Joe or Pam (or whoever answers the phone) that you would like the Rebuilding God’s Temple workbook kit #1. That is the best way to start if you have never been through Thin Within before. In fact, grab a few friends and do the study with them *and* meet with us in chat on Wednesdays. I may do that very thing myself! 🙂
If you *have* been through Thin Within before, you are welcome to use any of the workbooks. There are four of them and the themes in all the workbooks are the same so we can be in the same group together. All of us will have HOPE as our theme for week 1 and all of us will have BOUNDARIES as our theme for week 9, etc.
For more information about the workbook, here is an “infomercial!: 🙂
Additionally, here is a link to a blog post where I describe workbook kit #1.
For this particular class, I will be using workbook #3 myself. Again, if you have never gone through the material before, please use the kit #1. 🙂
We will be meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 Pacific Time, 6:30 Central, and 7:30 Eastern. Our first meeting will be January 4th. You don’t need to have anything ready for that class meeting. Just come at class time to http://www.thinwithin.org/chat.php .
The study lasts 12 weeks.
If Wednesdays don’t work for you, it is possible we will be offering classes at other times. Check at the Thin Within website.
Hope you will join us! Be sure to order your workbook kits! 🙂