When everything is stripped away, when circumstances and people change and nothing seems reliable or dependable, it is then that I need to know who God is and what He is like. I need a rock to cling to–something, anything really, that is unchanging and unchangeable. God seems to be shifting, or so my senses tell me. When my experiences tell me that God is not reliable, then I have to take a step back. My experiences, my feelings–don’t define fact. They don’t even tell me the truth.
I feel like I am back in Kindergarten, singing “Jesus loves me this I know…”
There is no sweeter name. Truly. When I stop and consider … why did Jesus come to earth? Why did he set aside the glory he had before the world began (see John 17)?
Simply, Jesus came to make God–the true God–known to us, to me. I need to return to Jesus.
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I am in kindergarten again so I can get back to the foundation. My very “grown up” experience, my “adult” circumstances, and the storm I am in, have wreaked havoc with my view of God. Thankfully, in the midst of the storm, I hear Jesus’ very human voice, urge me to come to Him, to focus on Him, to rest in Him, to gaze on Him…and to remember that when my circumstances and experience seem to indicate that God is vastly different than my (oh-so-carefully-crafted) theology says, that HE CAME SO I MAY KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD. He came so I might know GOD–not just “about” God.
So, right now, I am casting off the assumptions created by my experiences lately. They have created a false god. An impotent god. A god who is a victim of the whims and choices of man.
Jesus shows me that this god created by the images of my experience is no god at all. He is a fraud.
“Jesus loves me this I know…”
Is your view of God in need of “re-educating?” Do you need to go back to Kindergarten, too?