Have you wondered for a while about diving in and giving Thin Within a try?
Are you someone who has dabbled in Thin Within but want a fresh start?
Have you been motoring along, but want a connection with a group online that is pursuing doing this thing together?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then please consider joining us as we launch a brand new session of our online class, studying the Thin Within workbook series!
April 4th is our first introductory session…so you can order a workbook (if you don’t have one) before that time and be raring to go. The first assignment will be given following April 4ths class. April 4th will be sort of an overview as we launch into the material, discussing the first lesson on April 11th.
We meet on Wednesdays at 4:30 Pacific, 6:30pm Central or 7:30pm Eastern for an hour-long chat online. I also like to have everyone’s email address so I can send out transcripts, additional resources, assignment information and reminders–usually about two emails each week.
If you are interested, you can get the first workbook kit at Amazon or, better (Amazon takes a big chunk of the purchase price), order directly from Joe or Pam Donaldson by calling Thin Within’s toll-free number 877-729-8932 9am-5pm Eastern time. The other three workbooks are available from the Donaldsons. It doesn’t matter which workbook you use, but if you have never gone through workbook #1, I recommend doing that. Or if you need a fresh start. You can use the link for contacting me that is in the margin of the website here to let me know to add you to the class email list. I promise not to sell your email address! 🙂
If you want to know more about the workbook, there is information about the workbook on another page at my blog here and a video where I tell you about it found here.
Hope you will join us! Even better…gather some others together at your church to join with YOU! 🙂