I have had you, a reader of my blog, on my heart a lot lately. I wish I could claim it was some noble, godly reason. I suppose, if I really try, I could claim that this is so. But truthfully…I have been ruing the fact that I shot off my mouth and ever claimed “Ok, so I love my thighs.”
It was much easier to claim when the weather was unseasonably overcast and cold. Jeans for normal wear and warm-up pants for tennis or racquetball kept everything hidden.
But yesterday…yesterday…it was 80 degrees and sunny for the first time in a while and we had a date to play tennis with another family.
I tried figuring out how I could justify hiding my legs beneath my warm-up pants. But in 80 degrees, black “warm-up” pants seemed ludicrous. Then, I thought of you. I remembered posting here about loving my thighs. I really hate it when I catch myself not living up to something I have said to you.
So, thinking of you and my desire to be authentic, real, faithful, I donned shorts. Yikes. I have never felt this way about my legs. Oops…that’s right, I still have to keep up the facade…I have to claim I love them, right? Well, nuts…I can’t say that. With an act of my will, maybe, but it sure isn’t easy! I am praying that I will quit being so visual about this and appreciate the service of my legs to the rest of my body. 🙂 Yes, when I focus on the service of my legs, I can be thankful. So I guess that is where I will have to land for now.
Anyhow, I guess in some strange way, I want to thank you for being here–a part of my virtual world. There is some manner of accountability for my words. Which is a good thing. You are a blessing to me in that respect, even in spite of myself.
There is no doubt about it. I am definitely in process. 🙂 Thank you for being with me on this journey.
Heidi — I'm right there with you with regards to body image. Our society makes it so difficult when we are blasted from every side lose weight, get the golden tan, flaunt what you've got, and show it off to the opposite sex. We are brain-washed constantly! It's difficult to tune it all out and see ourselves as God sees us. It's a matter of "taking our thoughts captive" — a moment by moment project. We CAN do this, though — staying in the battle. By the way, love the new heading for you blog site! Good job!!
Heidi — I'm right there with you with regards to body image. Our society makes it so difficult when we are blasted from every side lose weight, get the golden tan, flaunt what you've got, and show it off to the opposite sex. We are brain-washed constantly! It's difficult to tune it all out and see ourselves as God sees us. It's a matter of "taking our thoughts captive" — a moment by moment project. We CAN do this, though — staying in the battle. By the way, love the new heading for you blog site! Good job!!
Ever pondered that when you wrote that and said it that you really did love your thighs? That love comes and goes – that sometimes its more work than others – that there are got it and ain't got it moments when we forget and get distracted and long for something that isn't real? Love you friend! JulieBTW – I like the new design too!
Ever pondered that when you wrote that and said it that you really did love your thighs? That love comes and goes – that sometimes its more work than others – that there are got it and ain't got it moments when we forget and get distracted and long for something that isn't real? Love you friend! JulieBTW – I like the new design too!
I completely understand your love/lack of love for your thighs. I am sure that every woman here can say that not only do we understand, but that you have spoken for us too. AND like you said, it is good to have friends out there in our virtual world who are among those sisters in the Lord, who help hold us accountable. Today I am having a battle within for a variety of reasons and I have been reaching for food way too much to try to salve the things laying heavy on my heart. And then I come here looking for encouragement and…here you are. Simply being here reminds me to crawl up into Abba's lap. He alone can bring me comfort. So, thank you, my cyber friend/friends. If we never get to meet this side of HeavenAs we struggle through this world and its strifeThere's another meeting place somewhere in heavenBy the side of river of life.Thanking God for all of you.PeggyP.S. Heidi, the new site is beautiful!
I completely understand your love/lack of love for your thighs. I am sure that every woman here can say that not only do we understand, but that you have spoken for us too. AND like you said, it is good to have friends out there in our virtual world who are among those sisters in the Lord, who help hold us accountable. Today I am having a battle within for a variety of reasons and I have been reaching for food way too much to try to salve the things laying heavy on my heart. And then I come here looking for encouragement and…here you are. Simply being here reminds me to crawl up into Abba's lap. He alone can bring me comfort. So, thank you, my cyber friend/friends. If we never get to meet this side of HeavenAs we struggle through this world and its strifeThere's another meeting place somewhere in heavenBy the side of river of life.Thanking God for all of you.PeggyP.S. Heidi, the new site is beautiful!
Hi, Believerkjk – Thanks for your compliments on the Blog. The revamp of my website and blog has been done by a wonderful lady and her husband found at http://www.tekeme.com . She is about to bust with a new baby…9 months pregnant and then some. I am so thankful that they continued to work on the site through the pregnancy and moving last week, too! Really nice folks with a great ministry.You are so right about our society, Karen. It is tough to live in our Babylon, isn't it? You are right…taking our thoughts captive in the moment is the way to deal with this.Julie, when I focus on the function and how my legs have served me then YES! I DO love my legs. When I am focused on how they LOOK, then no. I have never felt this way about my legs, even when I was much bigger! Go figure. I think this is a lesson here in my wilderness for me.Thanks, Julie.
Hi, Believerkjk – Thanks for your compliments on the Blog. The revamp of my website and blog has been done by a wonderful lady and her husband found at http://www.tekeme.com . She is about to bust with a new baby…9 months pregnant and then some. I am so thankful that they continued to work on the site through the pregnancy and moving last week, too! Really nice folks with a great ministry.You are so right about our society, Karen. It is tough to live in our Babylon, isn't it? You are right…taking our thoughts captive in the moment is the way to deal with this.Julie, when I focus on the function and how my legs have served me then YES! I DO love my legs. When I am focused on how they LOOK, then no. I have never felt this way about my legs, even when I was much bigger! Go figure. I think this is a lesson here in my wilderness for me.Thanks, Julie.
Hi, Peggy. Thanks for the encouragement. I want to pray for you…right now, my kids are fighting so bad. I have worked so hard NOT to recreate my family of origin. I walked in to hear them duking it out like my parents used to…and something in me wanted to run desperately. Instead I got online…and found that you are being assaulted, too. So I will pray for you now. Lord, please wrap your loving arms around Peggy so that she can feel your embrace and sense you quieting her with your love. (Me, too, Lord.) You delight over her with singing…help us to listen for your voice, Lord. So often, when we feel like this, you are calling us to forgive someone in our past. Please help us to know if that is the case here for Peggy and for me. Lord, help us not to reach for food, but to reach for you. We are like sheep, cast on our backs, not able to right ourselves. All we can do is reach to you for your help. Thank you for using this medium to minister to us through one another, Lord. Thank you so much. In Jesus' name, Amen. Thanks, Peggy, for your compliments on the new site. I feel sort of like my face is front and center a bit too much. I have a hard time with that…It is part of my attempt to obey God with his call to write a new book. The publishing companies really want to know that the author will let everyone know they are available for speaking and have books available in case people want them. The whole "marketing" thing…I am really uncomfortable with this. I don't ever want to promote *me*…I want to promote GOD ALMIGHTY! I want to share the message that HE SETS US FREE! I want to promote the message HE gives. Anyhow, that is what the change is about… :-)Hope that makes sense.Hugs to you all! Thanks for being here. 🙂
Hi, Peggy. Thanks for the encouragement. I want to pray for you…right now, my kids are fighting so bad. I have worked so hard NOT to recreate my family of origin. I walked in to hear them duking it out like my parents used to…and something in me wanted to run desperately. Instead I got online…and found that you are being assaulted, too. So I will pray for you now. Lord, please wrap your loving arms around Peggy so that she can feel your embrace and sense you quieting her with your love. (Me, too, Lord.) You delight over her with singing…help us to listen for your voice, Lord. So often, when we feel like this, you are calling us to forgive someone in our past. Please help us to know if that is the case here for Peggy and for me. Lord, help us not to reach for food, but to reach for you. We are like sheep, cast on our backs, not able to right ourselves. All we can do is reach to you for your help. Thank you for using this medium to minister to us through one another, Lord. Thank you so much. In Jesus' name, Amen. Thanks, Peggy, for your compliments on the new site. I feel sort of like my face is front and center a bit too much. I have a hard time with that…It is part of my attempt to obey God with his call to write a new book. The publishing companies really want to know that the author will let everyone know they are available for speaking and have books available in case people want them. The whole "marketing" thing…I am really uncomfortable with this. I don't ever want to promote *me*…I want to promote GOD ALMIGHTY! I want to share the message that HE SETS US FREE! I want to promote the message HE gives. Anyhow, that is what the change is about… :-)Hope that makes sense.Hugs to you all! Thanks for being here. 🙂
I enjoyed reading this. Made me think, wow I don't think I am really confident to walk out in shorts or something that is tight on my stomach and not think badly. Thanks for being honest! Look forward to the TW study, hope to join you.
I enjoyed reading this. Made me think, wow I don't think I am really confident to walk out in shorts or something that is tight on my stomach and not think badly. Thanks for being honest! Look forward to the TW study, hope to join you.
Oh, Heidi, once again love your transparency! I can totally relate to your post!! This is my first year in forever I haven't tanned….but I haven't had to put shorts on yet….ugh…thanks for the warning, or should I say thanks for reminding me to be prepared to praise God for my thighs!!Thinking of you!
Oh, Heidi, once again love your transparency! I can totally relate to your post!! This is my first year in forever I haven't tanned….but I haven't had to put shorts on yet….ugh…thanks for the warning, or should I say thanks for reminding me to be prepared to praise God for my thighs!!Thinking of you!
Hi, Sunshinemama. I have to laugh…today was day 2 of being in shorts. I also wore a t-shirt that wasn't baggy. Wow…daring. 🙂 I hope you can join us for the study, too. Remember, we don't have to all keep the same pace. ANY pace is better than none and I will comment to EVERY post (unless something really strange happens)–even if the post is a month after I have been on that chapter! :-)Diahn – Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, God is really faithful to me in showing me that HE delights in my legs…so can I. Function is my focus right now, but really…like I said initially…with thin thighs, I still wouldn't be ok if I couldn't use them to run and play, to stand…etc. So I am learning to be ok!BIG Hugs to you!
Hi, Sunshinemama. I have to laugh…today was day 2 of being in shorts. I also wore a t-shirt that wasn't baggy. Wow…daring. 🙂 I hope you can join us for the study, too. Remember, we don't have to all keep the same pace. ANY pace is better than none and I will comment to EVERY post (unless something really strange happens)–even if the post is a month after I have been on that chapter! :-)Diahn – Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, God is really faithful to me in showing me that HE delights in my legs…so can I. Function is my focus right now, but really…like I said initially…with thin thighs, I still wouldn't be ok if I couldn't use them to run and play, to stand…etc. So I am learning to be ok!BIG Hugs to you!