If you need more truths about 0 and 5 eating—or NOT eating 0 to 5—here are some more ideas. 🙂
Again…what do I DO with these cards? I review a few of them each day. Sometimes twice or more. That way, the truth is right there in my mind, ready to leap into my thoughts when I need it! If I know I struggle more at certain times of the day, then I will review my cards just before that time of the day. I PRE-EMPT the temptation!
1. When I eat 0 to 5 I have joy, peace, and delight.
2. When I don’t eat 0 to 5 I have guilt, frustration, and disappointment with myself.
3. Eating 0 to 5 I will land on a slender size that is right for me…not TOO thin and not too heavy. (Either is unhealthy!)
4. Not eating 0 to 5, I will always battle with my weight.
5. Eating 0 to 5 I never wonder what my size will do. It is predictable.
6. When I don’t eat 0 to 5, I wonder if I will “get away with it” forever.
7. When I don’t eat 0 to 5 I have a stuffed feeling after eating.
8. When I eat 0 to 5, I get to eat more frequently. Small meals, more frequently is a fun way to eat!
9. When I don’t eat 0 to 5, food doesn’t taste as good.
10. Eating 0 to 5 I get to enjoy LIFE!
11. Not eating 0 to 5, I am paranoid and self-conscious about how my clothes fit. I reach into the closet wondering how grave the damage will be.
How About You?
Are you adding truths to your deck of truth cards? How do you use these cards? How has using your truth cards helped you out? Share your story here and you may encourage another person!
I absolutely see the importance of reviewing my truth cards. I read them in the morning before I start my day and after my daughter goes to bed. Sometimes I need to read mid-afternoon when I’m tempted to eat when not hungry. I am finding that after having my cards for a few months that when I am tempted the Holy Spirit brings back these truths to my remembrance. As I am faithful to spend time reviewing them, then the truth is there when I’m feeling weak or need encouragement. It’s making a HUGE difference in staying within my boundaries. I just spend some time reading through my cards, adding things, highlighting things, and adjusting where I wanted tabs for quick review. I’m so thankful for what The Lord is doing!
What a great testimony for the value of truth cards! Thanks, Christina!