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Image Source: iStockPhoto

Thank you so much for your concern (and prayers) for me after you read Thursday’s blog entry. God reached down and definitely pulled me up. Your kind texts, emails, and calls are cherished.

What do I do when I am in a situation like this? When I find myself face first in the bag of Oreos, chips, or wandering aimlessly in the kitchen looking for something…anything, really…?

Music is something that God has used to reach out to me. Music bathes my mind with his truth. I have to pick the right music, of course. I literally have taken a song and played it over and over and over again so that I get the words going through my mind ALL the time–on purpose.

I want to be able to say “I can’t get that song out of my head.” Especially when it has words like Mandisa’s Lifeline song. Look at these words–a prayer to God:

Here I am
Drowning in a sea of my own choices
Holding a hope by a thread
I’m looking round, I’m calling out
Fear pulls me down
When the waters rush over my head

You are my lifeline
You are my rescue
Strength in my weakness
Light in my darkness
You are my safety
Lifter of my head
The air that I need when
I can’t seem to breathe in
You are my lifeline
You are my lifeline

How many times
How many turns
Will it take till I learn
You reach for me in my need
And when I cry
I know that I’ll faithfully find you
When life comes crashing on me

You are my lifeline
You are my rescue
Strength in my weakness
Light in my darkness
You are my safety
Lifter of my head
The air that I need when
I can’t seem to breathe in
You are my lifeline
You are my lifeline

You’re there in my brokenness and my distress
My rock when I’m strong or when I’m powerless
You hold me in rushing tides when waters rise
And I’ll always find

You are my lifeline
You are my rescue
Strength in my weakness
Light in my darkness
You are my safety
Lifter of my head
The air that I need when
I can’t seem to breathe in
You are my lifeline
You are my lifeline

You are my lifeline
You are my rescue
Strength in my weakness
Light in my darkness
You are my safety
Lifter of my head
The air that I need when
I can’t seem to breathe in
You are my lifeline
You are my lifeline

Writers: Kevyn Gammond, John Pasternak, Michael Chetwood, Francesco Nizza, Paul Lockey
Copyright: Sound And Vision, LLC

When I am backed up against a wall, when I am emotionally drained, when I am angry and know that I need to give a heartache and my response to it to God, sometimes, all I can do is listen to music. Songs like this one wash over me again and again. I do that on purpose. Some might call it brainwashing, but when it is TRUTH, I think that is a wonderful way of changing my thoughts to be pure. I use the words like these, then, for my meditation, as a prayer to God, adding my own words. I end up waking up during the night with these words on my mind, too! It is an awesome way to invite God to renew my mind, to change my thinking. HE is WAY bigger than any memory of my past or any heartache in my present. WAY WAY bigger.

By day the Lord directs his love,
    at night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life.

Psalm 42:8

Here is the song so you can enjoy it. I hope that it transforms your thinking, too.

To buy this song on Amazon, click here.

To buy this song on iTunes, click here.

What do you do when you struggle with a spirit of heaviness, anger, sadness or some other emotion that attempts to control you?