Sometimes I just can’t slow down long enough to journal about lies I am struggling with. I have learned over time of using Barb Raveling’s techniques and her app how to use her approach “on the fly!” This recording is a REAL LIVE example of me struggling with a temptation today and how I handled it…
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]Just so you know how it ended. It is now about an hour an 10 minutes after I recorded that in my car and I am home. No milkshake. YAY! I obeyed God thanks to accountability with you all. 🙂 Obedience feels good. I am not hungry yet!
Thank you for being authentic! It’s great to see you doing this along with us and reminding us that our choices to do what’s best for our hearts will be an ongoing process forever, not just once we get to our weight loss goal 🙂 It’s a refreshing example you’ve shared. Thank you!!!
Thanks, Michelle. I appreciate the encouragement.
Thanks for sharing this experience. It is a great encouragement for me to do the same. Congratulations on your obedience. Ptl
Thanks, Lisa. If I hadn’t had you all here to be accountable to, I am not sure what would have happened. The nice thing is, I got to have a small milkshake today when I was at a zero. Because I didn’t indulge yesterday, I savored it more than I usually have…I really enjoyed it and made it last a lot longer than usual as well. I think part of the enjoyment came just from knowing that I was within God’s will in the moment. I spent the time I ate the milkshake thanking him for flavors and textures and combinations of things that are put together to taste good. It was a praise-fest!
I really enjoyed reading this post even though it is a few days after the fact. Congrats on your decision. I just love hearing your voice and having you share these things.
Wow….I have had this battle (and lost) more times then I’ve won it….. Thank you for sharing your victory! I would love to enjoy the “thrill and joy” of obedience every “moment” of every day. Working on renewing….Royce (aka) “Grace”
Royce, it is GREAT to see you again! How are you, my friend? Please extend grace to yourself. This is a LIFE-LONG journey! I really believe we get to learn how to do the *struggle* well instead of end up never struggling again. We get to figure out how to fight well for what we know is right. Even if it never stops being a challenge, we get to learn how to do this thing as God calls us to! Anything worth having is worth fighting for! 😀
Thank you for sharing. I travel a lot with my job. I daily struggle with this. I have set a boundary of not eating in my car. This does not mean I will not be tempted. It does take away the convenience of the drive thru.