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Remember that God wants to tell you the truth about who you are.
He wants to see the little girl in you come alive again,
to be healed and made whole by his love
and to rise up and fill the irreplaceable role on earth
he has for you and only you.
As you begin to bask in the truth that you are wonderfully made,
you will begin to discover where your true value lies,
and this will set you free.
Allie Smith and Judy Halliday, Healthy Eating & Abundant Living, page 20
Good morning Heidi,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful things…
I remember when I was a little girl…I was care free and happy and love to play with my dolls and ride my bike and swim in our big swimming pool. Yes, I can see my self free and healed in Christ Jesus. I came from a home of abuse and rejection. So I can pick the good things out of my life and dwell on these. The rest I give to God and let him heal me.
I have an estranged relationship with my mother who is an alcoholic. I did call her this morning to bless her with a Happy Mothers Day. She couldn’t wait to get off the phone for another call…I may have got a minute in with her, but I’ll take it! 🙂 Praying for her soul to be saved and delivered and healed. In Jesus name…I do admit my hurt in my heart, again I have to run to God for His LOVE and COMFORT and ACCEPTANCE.
Some times these Holidays and special events can bring out the worse in us…more pain!.
I have been down this road for 40 something years and one thing is for sure is that God my Father will never leave or abandon me. I was rejected in my child hood and adult hood. I ran to food and sex and alcohol in my child hood and teen and adult years. It was in my early 20’s that Jesus Christ my LORD and Savior came into my heart and life. He changed me from the inside out…He has been working on the weight issues for years with me…I just needed the right tools. God is so good and full of mercy. I found this site not by accident, but by God’s providential circumstances. I do believe He is setting me free further from more issues and my weight. God will help me release all my excess weight. I see myself as a thin, healthy, happy, vibrant, active person in this life and being a blessing to others in with the gifts and talents God has given to me. I am rejoicing in the LORD today for what he has done in my heart and life up to this very moment… God bless you all with a very special mothers day today.
God will fill our hearts with all His love that we need and acceptance today and always. In Jesus name, amen.
thank you so much for sharing Jaime, your transparency is much appreciated
Thank you Jamie! I cannot tell you how your words comfort me. I too am estranged from my mother. Rejection and denial of the abuse I suffered at the hands of my step-father. She literally chose him over me and the truth and after 30 years it still hurts. But by the grace and love of God I am whole. I have two grown kids, two grandkids and I know they will never feel what I did growing up. My father in Heaven has taught me to look to him for my acceptance and this site, these studies and the women he has put in my life have more than made up for the lack in my past. I am so thankful for you words today, and pray God fills your heart as well to overflowing with his incomparable love and acceptance.
Thank you Renee. 🙂 I am so glad we are all here to help one another along this journey. God is so good to us all. Amen.
I was a daddy’s girl. May dad was always there for me. I would call him from my bedroom and he would come and he would help me with my math. My mom would not come when I called her so I would call my dad. In a way it should me about God and how he is always there when you need Him. i call and He is always there.
I love that! “He wants to see the little girl in you come alive again”! Because the whole body’s not good enough, I am not not perfect enough garbage satan has put on us made the little girl in me take a hike!