We are experiencing “technical difficulties.” The module that I installed here at the blog for the commenting and that we have been enjoying for the past three weeks or so is now telling Kim and I that we aren’t the administrators for the account. That means that if you type up a comment to a blog post or to another comment, we aren’t notified about it. If we log in to look at comments to approve them, we are told we can’t do that! 🙁
I wonder if the enemy is mad that we were having such blessed discussion and exchange. I sort of think so. You know, the enemy is real. Jesus spoke about him a lot and Paul certainly did in his letters to the churches. If we think he doesn’t care about this issue in our lives we are wrong. We must put on the full armor of God and take our stand against the devil’s schemes, just as it says in Ephesians 6!
Think about it…if you could break free–really free–from this issue, it would be evident to all the people that you know. God’s glory would be proclaimed and the enemy would be rendered impotent. Not something he will accept easily.
Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world, though! Isn’t that an awesome truth? We don’t need to fear the enemy, but we do need to be aware of him. This battle isn’t just with [our] flesh and blood. Instead we war with spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Fortunately, we have weapons that are not of this world, too.
We take captive our thoughts and subject them to obedience to Christ, one moment at a time, one thought at a time.
So…all that to say, I have written to IntenseDebate support in the hopes that they will fix things. In the meantime, I am just going to pray against this. Keep on posting your comments and once we get things figured out, Kim and I will approve all the comments and we will be back in business.
God wants us to persevere! In ALL respects!