Dear readers, have you grabbed onto the importance of renewing your mind in God’s Word? In good times and in troubled times, this command from God’s Word in Romans 12:1-2 never fails to bring me peace and understanding. Whether I pick up on something I need to hear from my daily Bible reading, or the Lord places an area of my life He wishes to work on in my mind, or a topic keeps being placed in front of my face, digging in the Word and then praying about it is the way I renew my mind.
The other day, I was lead to read John 6:63 –
The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.
This scripture hit me hard because since summer started I have been floundering with my boundaries of 0 to 5 eating. I would like to blame the steady stream of birthdays and graduation parties, but that would be a lie. There are also many more opportunities for drinking during all those parties, and if you happen to drink, you will probably notice like I do, that overeating is so much easier, but blaming this too would be a lie. It is my flesh wanting what it wants, when it wants and in the quantities it wants. I was reading old blog posts that Heidi Bylsma wrote from back at the beginning of our blog (January 2007). She called what I am talking about “Recreational Eating” and boy, is that a great description about what has been going on. Am I following my boundaries? No. Do I feel good? No. Am I comfortable? No. Am I using the tools? No. Am I happy about it? No. What am I going to do? I’m going to renew my mind. And as Heidi is fond of telling us, when you fall off the horse, dust yourself off and get right back on. so I am back on my “horse” and I am continuing on my journey.
Each day we have a choice, dear reader. We can choose to follow our flesh or we can choose to follow the Spirit. One counts for nothing and one counts for life. When I am living the way I have been this month, I don’t feel like I am living at all. I am tired and I am blah. Here is what I wrote in my journal after meditating on the scripture from John 6:63:
Lord, my flesh is greedy for comfort. It seeks what is not of You. It is not honoring to Your will for me. It is not honoring to Your Word. It draws me from feeling Your presence in my life. It listens to the lies of the evil one. It seek s self-gratification. It does not want to selflessly give. My soul and heart cry out to You for deliverance from my flesh. Because of Christ Jesus I can choose whom I serve. I can choose to continue to be a slave to sin or I can choose Christ and be a slave to righteousness. Today, I choose Christ. I choose to be weak so that His strength be made manifest in my life.
I choose to follow Christ.
I choose to honor God with my body.
I choose to bring the Lord into my mealtimes.
I choose to take my frustrations and lay them at the feet of Jesus.
I choose to praise and glorify my Triune God…God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit who brings comfort, discernment, conviction and peace.
Dear friends, let’s renew our minds today so that we can keep our focus on God, the healer of our hearts and minds. Will you pray Psalm 119:37 with me?
Turn my eyes away from worthless things: preserve my life according to Your Word.
Oooooh, Deanna!!!!! Your words are so perfect for me today!!!!!!! You have expressed exactly what my down-in-a-slump soul was feeling, and needed and wanted to say, but couldn’t find the words. Thank you thank you thank you for writing this!!!!!!!!!! Love you, dear sister!!!!! ?☺️?
Thank you dear friend! I knew I was not alone!
Thanks for the encouragement! God is good! I have been eating for comfort as well and have repented and I am trying to eat for true hunger again
Thank you, exactly what I needed to hear today.
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, I am on a 30 day journey with the Lord and he is re-training me how to eat, but it is hard because I am going through menopause so the belly fat is stubborn, but I am going through by the grace of God, thanks again, your sister in Christ
This is so beautifully written and such words of wisdom I needed to hear this morning. Thank you for sharing this. That psalm 119 almost made me cry… It’s exactly what my spirit needed to hear this morning. God bless you Deanna x
Thank you for this message. A great reminder of the reality of the responsibility we have to choose…choose Him, choose to submit, choose truth…what blessings come with those tough choices!
So moved buy all your words, moved so well instead of binging on ice cream, but instead on the word of God…Thank you. And thank you everyone who left a comment…