To him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us,
to him be the glory.
– Ephesians 3:20-21
What do I expect of my God? To merely “put up” with me (if that)? Do I think he rolls his eyes when I ask him–again–about helping me with something that I struggle with?
This God, this King–he is ABLE. Not just ABLE, but able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or even imagine! I can imagine a lot–if I dare. God challenges me in this passage to dare to dream big and dare to look to Him for what He has in mind–which is bigger still.
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How will he accomplish these amazing things? According to HIS power. HIS power spoke the galaxies into existence. HIS power blew the grave open when Jesus conquered death. HIS power will throw Satan into the Lake of Fire forever. Are you kidding me? 🙂 HIS power can do ANYthing!
And get this! His power is at work within us. This isn’t some theoretical “out there” power. This isn’t some “new agey think-it-and-it-will-happen” power. This is God’s power that is at work within us–with ME–within YOU.
But one caveat…that last little phrase at the end of this passage is vital… God gets the glory. If I desire His power in my life to help me lose weight (or to do anything) so that I can “win friends and influence people,” if I want to impress the people at the class reunion or cause the ladies at church to ooooh and aaaah, if I in any way want glory, then I pit myself against the Lord. He uses His power in my life for His glory.
How can I let myself be defamed?
I will not yield my glory to another.
Isaiah 48:11
I was created to proclaim His glory!
Even everyone who is called by My name,
whom I have created for My glory,
whom I have formed, whom I have made.
– Isaiah 43:7
It amazes me that God can and will do immeasurably more than anything I could ask or imagine and that he does it according to His power that, for some baffling reason, he has placed in me…He is amazing, good, kind. It is my job to be sure to point all the recognition, all the fame, all the glory to Him! Sounds like a great deal to me!