Welcome to our launch day for our study of the Healthy Eating and Abundant Living book by Allie Marie Smith and Judy Halliday (the founder of Thin Within).
If you haven’t yet gotten the book, check it out here.
First, a video to talk about where we are going (email subscribers may want to visit the blog site so that you can see the video if it doesn’t show up in your email):
Three things that I hope you will allow God to really bring home to your life through your study:
- You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (See Psalm 139:14) You might want to renew your mind about this. Use this passage to think differently about YOU!
- For six weeks, consider committing to this path. Just a month and a half. That means you won’t quit. You won’t give up–even if you don’t do it “perfectly.” Just hang in there and keep on doing your lessons and showing up and sharing your thoughts here at the blog. Post here to encourage others. For six weeks…will you? 🙂 Pretty please? (Yes, I am shamelessly pleading!)
- Step into the light…no longer hiding anything from the Lord. To learn the truth about yourself. He is gentle, kind and loving. We don’t need to run from truth (which we sometimes tend to do). Invite him to shine his light on your heart and life.
Assignment this week:
- Can you get an accountability partner? 🙂 Prayerfully consider it.
- Look over the HEAL principles on pages 9 and 10 (and if you haven’t read the introductory material yet in the book, you might want to do that).
- Consider starting a GOD List (more details to come). You can find an explanation here.
- Adopt the primary boundary of eating 0 to 5 — waiting for physical hunger (in Thin Within we call that “0”) and selecting any food you desire (no dieting rules, good food/bad food lists). Stop eating when you approach “5” — physical satisfaction. If you aren’t sure about when that is, serve yourself about half as much food and eat twice as slow as you typically do. 🙂 It will feel like you are eating just as much.
- Complete the personal study and group study for Lesson 1–this is through page 29 of my version of the book (second edition) or up to the place where it says TWO: The HEAL Basics.
- Complete the WHERE I AM evaluation included in those pages.
- Renew your mind. Replace lies with truth in a practical way…with scripture memory cards, with Barb’s app, with a list you prepare ahead of time. We will be talking more about that in the next 6 weeks.
How this will work – Each Monday, I will post the new assignment and also a video to preview what we have ahead. On Fridays, I will post about the material we have studied…even though some of you may not have finished the week’s material…that’s ok. Please don’t feel like you have to quit because you aren’t at the same place. TRULY, it is NOT a problem. I know some don’t check the blog on Saturday and so want to have it available for those who do on Friday. If you don’t get to it until Saturday, that’s fine. Remember to go at whatever pace God leads YOU.
Even if you aren’t going through the study with us, it is my intention to make the content here at the blog relevant to both those who are doing the study AND those who aren’t. So please keep on visiting!
So, how do you feel about this new leg of the journey? What is God impressing upon your heart even now? How can we be praying for you?
Good Morning everyone! I am so excited about this new study. My book should be arriving this afternoon. I am requesting prayer during this six weeks, as my life is somewhat different than most. I work as a flight attendant and have crazy hours of working! That being said I OFTEN eat out of boredom or from being exhausted. However praise God for a laptop and free wifi. I would love to have an accountability partner to lift up and to lift me up during this six week study. I am expecting great things and changes in my Being during this study. The first is believing that I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! Praise HIM!
I am so glad that Marie offered to be an accountability partner with you. I shot you an email, Aretha.
Lord, I pray that you will encourage Aretha as she is here there and everywhere at all times of day and night. I pray that she will believe the truth that you have called her to this season where she is a flight attendant and therefore you have given her everything she needs for life and godliness for what she is called to do! She CAN do this in the strength you provide. Grant her (and all of us) a willing spirit to sustain us! Thank you for the new thing you are doing in us!
Thank you for praying for me.
I am praying for you as well. How is it going?
Hello everybody, my book just arrived today. looking forward to this journey with you all. Knowing that others are going through the same struggles means a lot. I have had a weight problem as long as I can remember and have tried everything known to man, including Thin Within. I do we’ll for about 2 weeks and then it seems I do everything in my power to sabotage myself. Hopefully, with a support group it will be different this time. Wanda Culpepper
Phenix City, Al.
Hi, Wanda. I recommend doing some of Barb’s bible study, inbetween the study of the HEAL book. It is so helpful in getting us to think differently…the key to acting differently! Wanda, God IS doing a new thing! But we DO need to develop a new definition of “failure” and success! I challenge you and EVERYONE…hang in there for 6 weeks. FINISH it, even if you feel like you “belly up” only 3 days into it! 🙂 Stay the course! I think God is doing to show us some things. It may not be what we expect or not even what we want, but it will be HIMSELF. 😀
I am praying for you. I am starting this today too! I can be your accountability partner if you still need one.
Hi, Marie. I have forwarded your comment to Aretha. Hope the two of you connect.
For everyone…I have just created an Accountability page here at the blog. Feel free to make use of it! 🙂
I have not had a chance to watch the video today, but I have been able to start the book. I am looking forward to see what new thing God has in store for me and for you all during this 6 week study. The last study was so amazing that I am excited for this next step in the journey. Praying for you Aretha and all of us.
PS – I put on pants today and they were somewhat looser than last time I wore them! And this is without working out for over 1 week (I am usually a 3-5 times/week exerciser).
Sent from my iPhone
That’s awesome! Praise God!
I am excited too! I have been doing the previous study with Heidi and Barb and it has helped me so much to re-commit to this way of life. I have used and known about thin within for years now and don’t even remember why I walked away. Lately I find myself reaching 5 and a voice says….no, I have not had enough yet! or just one more desert….I need more….. It reminded me of my grandson who pouted after spending hours at the park riding ponies and the carousel and playing on the swings and he said…..but I haven’t had enough fun yet. THAT’S ME! still small and wanting more and not allowing God to satisfy me. I would love an accountability partner and I plan on actively participating here to gain wisdom and strength and to encourage all of you ladies. I feel changes inside and out and know God is leading me to dig deep and allow him to give me a new heart and a new view of myself, my body and of Him.
Michelle, I just created a page for you all to post your desire for an accountability partner. It is found at http://www.GodIsDoingANewThing.com/accountability
I hear you about the whining. I remember an accountability partner of mine (not Kim who posts here at the blog from time to time) saying something to me. I was fussing about how my son had a tantrum about something and she pointed out “Of course he did…he sees YOU doing that all the time about food!” (Granted, she wasn’t terribly gentle and probably that isn’t the best approach…but it was effective for me at the time!).
I am so glad that you are experiencing that NEW THING that God is at work doing! WOOT!
I wish I had the same excitement that others here seem to have for the start of the study. Although I am very happy to be engaging in a new study with a group, I have to admit I feel some fear that I will fail at this too. I have a long history of 0-5/hunger-fullness eating, and honestly, I am afraid that my heart has hardened so much over the past few years that I may never enjoy freedom from this bondage again. Please pray for me, I know KNOW that I must let go of and stop dwelling on past success with another weight loss program and embrace the NEW THING that God is doing…and actually BELIEVE that God IS doing something new for me.
Hi, Christine. I so remember feeling that way. I was the QUEEN of “failure.” I began 0 to 5 eating in 1999 and had so many false starts and stops, on again off again experiences. When the Hallidays asked me to write with them (the Thin Within book) I thought THIS time I will get it right! Have you seen the official TW video from 2002? That was me…even AFTER writing the Thin Within book with the Hallidays! Even AFTER writing the workbook material for the relaunch of the Thin Within company. You want to talk about a HARDENED heart! If God can break through that…and he DID…then he can break through ANYthing. I highly recommend you shelve this study and do the one at the page marked Weight Loss Bible Study here at the site. Barb’s bible study, though not specifically for Thin Within folks is LIFE CHANGING. I know the HEAL study will be good, but I really think Barb’s material should be foundational for anyone who wants to break through big walls that they can’t seem to figure out. What I urge you to do is to take captive the thoughts that you have that are running counter to your godly goals. It doesn’t matter if they seem to be true. Jesus is writing a NEW truth. He is doing a NEW thing. Consider one on one coaching, too. If you have the resources, it might be helpful. But you don’t NEED coaching in order to blast through this. Truly…check out http://www.www.thinwithin.org/weight-loss-bible-study and see if God doesn’t use this material. Believe that HE IS DOING a new thing! He IS! You may not perceive it, but he IS doing it! I admire your courage for posting here, too. Thank you for that! I want to pray for you. Lord, please help Christine believe that you are doing a new thing, Lord. YOu say so in your word. You say that you will complete that which you have begun. She has never been in this exact place with this exact set of opportunities and support, or with this knowledge and wisdom in place, Lord. This IS different. It may look the same, but it isn’t. I pray that she would believe you. That she would believe that you are leading her to a sweeter more wonderful walk with you than she has ever known. And a victory that she can’t possibly imagine. Perfection isn’t what you will bring her while she is on this planet…she will be in your presence when she is finally perfect, but you WILL continue that new thing that you are doing…progressively taking her to a place of experiencing what you have for her in Christ. Thank you, Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Hi Christine
Your heart can’t be too hardened, or you wouldn’t be here! I will be praying for you!
Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I am overwhelmed at His love for me through all of you.
I had purchased the HEAL book years ago, and ended up giving it to my 20 something daughter as the book seemed geared towards that age group. So, I when I first heard that this was the material Heidi was using for her new study, I have to admit I was disappointed. I had no intentions of joining this group, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and ended up buying the book on Amazon. After reading the first few pages, I can see that it is going to open up some deep issues within me, things that I know God wants me to work on. So here I am, ready to commit to the 6 week study!
So glad you are here with us, Linda. Hugs!
I got the heal book years ago not knowing God would lead me to this study, or that Thin within would ever work in my life. The line that most captured me is the idea of living in ‘girlhood freedom”. God has been restoring some of the childhood gifts I lost, giving me back the child within who went into hiding when I chose food addiction to handle the pain in my life. This little girl within loves the woods ( so He moved us to place in Kansas City, Mo that has a creek and woods in the back yard). and her kittie ( we moved out of a no pet apartment to a pet allowing apartment, and Mickie came into my life.). She is an artist and has longed to be taught, He hasn’t opened that door, but He has given me stories for my grandchildren to illustrate.
Thin within, he gave me Feb 28th of this year and I am having a blast. I hope to open up the doors for the little girl within just a little bit more with this study. it’s the heart of a child that grasps the kingdom best and that is what I want restored.
hugs to all.
Wanted to get this posted before bed so *I haven’t read the rest of the posts yet., but I will.
Just wanted to let you know your post touched my heart.
Me, too, Joan!
I am so thankful to be able to join this study and have some accountability concerning my eating and renewing my mind. Thank you for posting this and having this through the email Heidi it has been a blessing to me.
I am so happy to join all of you in this new study. From the first few pages I read, I can tell that I will find this study beneficial. To believe in being fearfully and wonderfully made gives me the courage to rely more on God and His guidance to get me to a point where food is no longer the answer to all my problems. My goal with this study is to make God number one in my life. I will pray for everyone on this blog. Thanks Heidi for doing this study.
Joan your post touched my heart as well. My sister Marie sent me an email with this link. I don’t have the book and yet it is so on my heart to join all of you so I hope to do just that.
I’m back! =) some reason I wasn’t receiving my emails. I don’t have the book either. I want to stay connected. Since the scale challenge I have lost 8 lbs. Once a week is enough to weigh in. More important is waiting on God to give me true hunger and fullness. 🙂
Wow…Jamie! That is awesome!!!! So glad to hear it! It sounds like ditching the scale has been good for you. 🙂
Hi dear sisters! Im so excited of this journey, but I haven’t got the book yet. Its sold out in my country. I really need this!!! I have been involved With a simular weight ministry for a while, but I can’t agree With their theology and so on… I would be so glad to get in contact With some of you here With or without the same experience as me. Much love to you!
Which country is that? Mi-Ma, you could do the material we did previously and still participate with us. That material is free…written and made available by Barb Raveling. You could visit the http://www.GodIsDoingANewThing.com/weight-loss-bible-study page and start making your way through that. No need to be stuck without material to go through! 🙂 So glad you are joining us!
Thank you so much Heidi! Im trying to find it With cheap and Quick ship or if I can find it as an E-book. Im from Sweden.
Ok, Mi-Ma. In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy the Weight Loss Bible Study (about so much more than weight loss!) available in the menu. It is a great study written by my accountability partner!
WE ARE WONDERFULLY MADE–God created man with many signals within his body. We have signals to know when we are tired, when we have pain, when we need to go to bathroom and we do not replace these signals with some other need (or desire) we feed the need with exactly how it has been created for. We also have needs of hunger and fullness and thirst. Many times we are thirsty when we think we are hungry. Many times we have a need to spend time at the feet of the Savior when we are filling that need with food.
We are tempted to fill a need with food Eve knew about this temptation far too well. It is interesting that in the garden of Eden that the very first temptation is that the first woman was tempted with food. But the most glorious choice we have is to choose Jesus! Psalm 34:10 says “The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; but they that seek the Lord shall not want (or lack) any good thing.
May the Lord richly bless you all!
Cyndie…VERY eloquently and aptly said. Thank you!
I follow TW on Facebook, and saw the post yesterday about this blog and study. So I thought about it all day…and believe that the timing could not be better for me. I am ready to re-commit to Thin Within. I’ve been on this journey before, about 5 years ago, and did very well….until some Big Challenges entered my life and I allowed the stress to pull me away. I’m so very tired of stuffing myself to numb the stress. I believe that God has been giving me hints the past week or so what He wants me to do – seeing that post on Facebook was the biggest one! LOL I have the HEAL book in my Amazon cart and getting ready to hit the Check Out button. I’m ready, girls! Let’s do this thing! 🙂
Hi, Melissa. So glad you are joining in. While you are waiting for your book to arrive, I HIGHLY recommend the bible study that many of us just completed (or are now moving through in tandem with this one). I think so much of it that the links are on a page here http://www.GodIsDoingANewThing.com/weight-loss-bible-study I feel like Barb’s material (which is free and available instantly) can make all the difference in the world for those of us in Thin Within, even though she isn’t a Thin Within participant herself. She gets to the heart of what it means to practically allow God to renew our minds…to change our thinking. It is transformative!
All that said, I am SO glad to see you here! God IS doing a new thing…right NOW! WOOT!
Hi ladies, I worked on some of the past study and had gotton sick. Just today got a second round of a different kind of antibiotics and hope the next 10 days will clear my head. With that said 🙂 I am going to go find the book and hope to join you!
Yay, Jen! So glad you are joining us!
Hello! I made it to your page, that’s a start. I don’t have time to watch the video and do anything with the study today, but I am here and that’s a start…how do I buy the book that is required and do we simply check in here for the study and “class time.” I used to do Weighdown Workshop, then learned of the grace oriented Thinwithin….peace 🙂 The Lord has allowed a 90 pound weight release, but I struggle with the last “20 pounds of my will” so the total is 70 pounds. Please respond with how i proceed from here, and I thank you. I would love an accountability partner who is stronger in the Lord and weight release than me…
Hi, Theresa. You can get the book here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0764478192/sr=/qid=/ref=olp_tab_all?ie=UTF8&colid=&coliid=&me=&qid=&seller=&sr=
Yes, just come on by the blog and go in order of the posts that you see. Then post and share and if you want an accountability partner, go to the Accountability page. So glad you are here!
Hi! I would just love to do this study with you guys but I am from South Africa and the book is not available here – I can order from Amazon but it will take at least two weeks before I have it (I think) is there a e-book available?
I don’t think it is available as an e-book yet. Come on along anyhow. Join us here and you will be enriched as the study progresses. Post and comment and interact! And if you want some material to go through, do Barb’s weight loss bible study on the link in the menu for that. Feel free to join us in real-time, though, too.
I just ordered my book today. I am waiting for it to be shipped. I am looking forward to getting this new book. I also asked for an accountability partner myself. My friends at the House of Restoration a few that asked about how I was losing weight said oh another diet. I told them that is was not a diet but a program that lets you eat everything that you love , eating from 0-5, correcting the way that that you eat, and release pounds without restricting the foods that you love. I let one of my friends look at one of my Thin Within books and she laughed and scoffed at it. She is not laughing and scoffing now since I went from 150 pounds to 126 pounds in 60 short days. I am being a witness to my friends and one 14 yar old young lady who suffers from Mannic Depression was saying that I looked good and she asked how I was releasing weight and I showed her the Thin Within book. She asked me if I could get her a book and I told her I would. I have been trying to reach out to this teen because her mother was not talking to her at her level and this young lady knew that I would and we talked for a few. Pray for her.
Thank you,
Have a nice weekend 🙂
So cool, Victoria!!! How awesome for you!!!!
It will be coming on May 16th
Ordered the book today. Will start reading it when I get it
I ordered my book last week and should get it tomorrow. Can’t wait to get started. I followed Weigh Down in the past and lost a lot of weight, but couldn’t get past the guilt it poured on. Thin Within is awesome, and I am excited to do this new study with all of you.
Got my book early, but I’m starting late. I’m a week behind, but aim to catch up. Work and Home Life has been a little crazy. So glad you are doing this, and looking forward to joining in where I can. I have a lot of content to try to catch up on, but now that I read the first chapter of this book, I can see why you chose it. It’s going back to basics and really starting at the root of things. Thank you!
It is a great book. It has helped me release something that i did when i was 9 years old. I was able to release it for the first time yesterday. I feel like a big weight was taken off my shoulders and now I am in peace.
“N!” So GOOD to see you again! I have missed seeing your comments! Glad you are diving in where you can. Yes, please DO extend that grace to yourself. We value your presence no matter how sporadic. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words about the book selection. It was also the frugal choice!
Victoria, That’s amazing to hear that you have “released” something that you have been carrying for so many years! Praise God! He’s doing great things, and I’m so glad that you are finding peace!!