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And so we begin Week 4 of our Weight Loss Bible Study. You have made it about half way. Don’t worry if you are going at a different pace or are joining us late. What matters is that you persevere. That may look different for each of us. Some may be going along right as I post, doing the studies each week. Others may do one a week or one of the studies every other week. Please know there is NO condemnation for you. I celebrate that you are here, asking God to have his way in this aspect of our lives!
Think back to Barb’s great insight from the Appearance Eating study that if we make this be all about our weight, we WILL be tempted to throw in the towel. But if we realize that this is about so much more than that, we will be more likely to persevere. God is merely using our struggles with food, eating, our size to remind us of how much we need him. It is a training ground for all things godly. For sanctification which will be a process we endure our whole lives long! Let us not grow weary in doing good. Let us keep at it!
With that in mind, have you been continuing to work on your renewing of your mind goal? If not, might I urge you to recommit to that? Back in week 1 of our study, Barb Raveling encouraged us to set a renewing of the mind goal. We can adjust this, tweek it, modify it, but we don’t want to bail on it! It is the heart of change. The core of growth! God says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, so let’s renew our thinking about what failure really is, shall we?
Here are some thoughts I have as we look ahead this week at our study:
This week we will be focusing on Day 7, Failure Eating, and Day 8, Holiday and Vacation Eating, of Barb’s Weight Loss Bible Study.
1. Complete Barb’s Day 7 and Day 8 materials.
2. Continue with your Renewing of the Mind goal or “tweek” it and continue to renew your mind at the times set you set. This is the heart of what we are doing if we are going to act differently! 🙂
3. Remember to post here this week to have your name entered into the drawing late Thursday night. I announce the winners on Friday. You can win a Thin Within book, a Hunger Within book, or a week of coaching.
What do you think about the thoughts shared in the video?
What an encouraging encouraging encouraging video!! I loved the Bible verses and I’m going to focus on those this week. There is power in the name of Jesus! To be forewarned is to forearmed right! In the past when I have been blind sided/surprised/unprepared that has been my downfall – thank you for the reminder Heidi. Have a blessed Easter/Resurrection Sunday! I’m soooo looking forward to the Sunrise Service we get to attend.
Thanks, Connie. So glad you found it encouraging. I am really quite selfish–true confessions. As I do these videos and audios, God gets a hold of ME and encourages ME with the words he brings to my mind. I wish I could say it was all about supporting you all, but I experience his presence so powerfully when I do this stuff. I really am a God Addict! Gosh I am a dork!
wow wow wow! There’s sooo much good stuff here!! Between Heidi’s video and Barb’s study!! I only did all the things in day 7 and there’s sooo much!!! I took notes like crazy in my journal!!! I love the reminder that condemnation isnt from God. My new goal is to grow closer to God. It was good for me to write down the benefits of the habits I can grow in a few months of staying in my boundaries…it was exciting to see how much good things will come about if I keep plugging away vs quitting! Like Heidi reminds us, one step forward 2 steps back is not a reason to condemn ourselves. I also liked looking up the bible verses to see what God wants us to do & how God feels about us!!! Dig in everyone! It’s some really good “food” for the soul!!! Just what I needed tonight!! Praise God & thank you ladies!!!
LOL, Michelle! I love your enthusiasm! I feel the same way about this material. It is just such GOOD stuff! That is why I have SO much to say. LOL! Yes, writing down the benefits to doing this…the sacrifices we have to make…and comparing the two. It really is just SO worth hanging in there!
Thank you so much Heidi for the study. Makes me consider failure differently.Getting back up!
Hi, Dawn. I am so glad that this study is making a difference for you. Barb’s material is awesome, isn’t it?
As usual, very encouraging and uplifting. Christ is our strength and we wil hold on to Him in this and every struggle we encounter. He will use this struggle to,draw us closer to Him. Thank you for your Easter message as well. We serve a mighty God, and we are more than grateful for the perfect sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Easter to all.
Yes, he most certainly does use this to draw us closer to Him. Hugs!
Day 7 study really made me take a hard look at myself and get some insight as to why I can’t seem to stick to my boundaries. I never thought of myself as being self condemming, but after doing the bible study, I see that I really am! I related to alot of what you said in the video too, Heidi. I am so glad that I am participating in this study, as it’s giving me the tools I need to fight this battle! Linda
Yay, Linda! I am thrilled to hear it! Thanks for letting me know. I think self-condemnation can be subtle, but pervasive and effective. It saturates so much of our “self-talk” that we may not even recognize it since it is there so much! Good for you for recognizing it. YAY!
Thanks for all of the material Heidi and barb, I loved Heidi the renewing your mind audio I just listened to befor this it will be helpful at work and transitioning coming home.
In Barb’s Trials study group discussion question #1. she asks What is the typical attitude toward trials in America? My opinion is that our society does everything possible to prevent any pain or discomfort…there is a pill for most of what ails us, and for those troubles that there is currently no pill for there is indeed a ‘sugar laden’ something or other for immediate relief! This epedemic affects all of the wealthy societies not just ours. It is most definitely true for me, as soon as an emotion surfaces, my stress level rises, or I sense a “sacrifice” looming… I immediately gravitate to anything chocolate for a quick fix for the discomfort. How great it is that your videos steer me to replace the world’s lies with God’s truth.
Hi, Lesley. I agree wholeheartedly! We really think that we should be immune to suffering in our own lives and even the lives of others. We have so many ways to avoid pain and discomfort and if it isn’t a direct approach, we can medicate with a substance…or shopping, reading, internet, video games…anything can become a way to avoid pain…even plunging head-long into a wonderful ministry can be a way of escaping pain that we don’t want to feel! Thanks for the encouragement about the videos. I hope that this bible study experience is pivotal in all our lives!