• You may have noticed I changed the template again. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t liking that other template AT ALL any more. I have a web designer working on a  new website for me and he will be integrating the blog. This one is only temporary, but I couldn’t wait any more! LOL!
  • I have been praying about doing another study of the Thin Within book. If you are interested, please let me know in the comments here. I know that seems sort of lame–but I want an interactive study and need to know who might participate in real time with me. We would probably only do three chapters a week, making it a 10-week course and that, too, is only held loosely.
  • I am forming a schedule for the blog so I can keep my focus and sanity. It goes something like this:
    • One post a week for a post relating to the attributes of God from Ethel’s book and how focusing on that attribute affects our view of our bodies, food, and a battle with disordered eating. If any one else wants to get a copy of the book (I can’t believe that Kim in Japan didn’t win!)
    • Two or three posts each week relative to a subject that comes up while studying the Thin Within book. Having the book won’t be necessary in order to benefit from these posts, but it might be helpful. These will have two components 1.) Devotional thought 2.) Practical suggestions
    • One additional post each week from various and sundry things…I want to have lighter, fluffier stuff on some days…related to the same theme.
    • One guest blog post every week or however often it seems to work. If you are interested in possibly writing a post to be featured here at this blog, please email me at cool horse woman @ gmail . com (push it all together when you email me). I will put together some guidelines and we can go from there.

And NOW the moment you have all been waiting for!!!!! The winners of the book contest!!! Each will receive a copy of Lord, Show Me Your Glory, which will be sent by the author (Ethel Herr) to her personally! A big ROUND OF APPLAUSE for:

and Angeli (from Facebook)

Will those of you who won please do me a favor and send me the address (coolhorsewoman @ gmail . com) where the book should be sent? Also, please give me the name Ethel should use when she autographs the book personally.

Thank you SO much for participating everyone! I had quite a number of slips in the “hat” when I drew these three randomly!

Today: How can you celebrate the fact that 
God is at work in you? 🙂

…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you 
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 
~ Philippians 1:6