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Photo Courtesy of

Mark your calendars for Mondays, starting one week from today–March 4th–for our study of Barb Raveling’s Weight Loss Bible Study. We will study putting a Thin Within Spin on the material.

Before we begin, I wanted to share with you some thoughts I have at the outset.

First, if you know me at all, you know that I don’t prefer focusing on weight loss. And that is one of the things I love about Barb–neither does she. Even though this study is called “Weight Loss Bible Study,” she focuses our attention on renewing our minds so that the transformation we desire physically is birthed by a deeper transformation inwardly.  This is the only way to experience permanent change. It is only fair to warn you this requires a lot of work. You likely will be pushed out of your comfort zone. You may want to decide now what you will do when you are tempted to quit!

Secondly, Barb *does* use the word “diet”…be forewarned! So, when you see the word DIET or DIETING in Barb’s material during our study, please replace it in your thinking with “0 to 5 Eating” instead. Barb does a great job of speaking of boundaries. For those on diets, this may include points or calories or whatever else. For us, our primary boundary is to eat between 0 (physical hunger) and 5 (physical satisfaction). Please don’t let the use of the term “diet” throw you! God can use this material in our lives!

Thirdly, logistically, it can be easiest to work through the material if you print it out or have it on your own computer. I like to copy and paste Barb’s material into a Word document so I can interact with the material directly. This way, her blog posts become a journal for me that I save on my laptop. I can refer to it later or finish the study at a later time. If you don’t want to do that, you can print them out and/or journal in a notebook just as effectively.

What I do *not* recommend is to just do it in your head! 🙂 We tend to get lazy if we try that approach.

Given how much energy and effort and practice we have put into eating more than we need, causing us to carry extra weight, we can certainly spend time renewing our mind, thinking differently, by doing bible study. 🙂

So, what are your hopes, concerns, questions before we launch into this study?