Image Source: Stock Exchange
Have you ever died a piece of cloth? It is so important to be sure that the entire thing is completed saturated. If it isn’t, the change will be inconsistent or mottled, at best.
I want my heart, mind and life to be “dyed” with truth–totally 100% SATURATED.
I was struck–even in the middle of my tizzy fit–by how many times verses from Romans 8 are quoted to me. I have to admit…there are times when it makes me roll my eyes. Really? Someone is going to quote “God works all things together for good”…aGAIN? Or “We are more than conquerors!” “Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!” or ” There is no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ.”
Really, when you think about it, Romans 8 may be one of the most quoted chapters in all of Scripture.
So, even with an attitude, I wondered with my journal and bible open to Romans 8, what TRUTH would I believe if I believed ONLY what Romans 8 has to say? This is the list I came up with:
- I am not condemned (v. 1)
- I am free from the law of sin and death (v.1)
- The righteous requirements of the law have been fully met in me (v. 4)
- I have my mind set on what the Spirit desires (v. 5)
- I have life and peace (v. 6) <–an important one for me since I tend to make peace and idol if left to my own devices!
- I am controlled by the Spirit (v. 9)
- I belong to Christ (v. 9)
- Christ is in me (v. 10)
- I am led by the Spirit of God (v.14)
- I am a child of God (v. 14)
- I received a Spirit of sonship (v. 15)
- I am God’s child. He is my Abba Daddy (vs. 15, 16)
- I am an heir of God (v. 17)
- I share in his suffering (v. 17) <— This made me wonder how much of my suffering in my current trials are my own doing and not about suffering with Christ at all?
- I will share in His glory (v. 17)
- There is a glory ahead that far outweighs my present suffering (v. 18)
- The Spirit helps me in my weakness (v. 16)
- The Spirit prays for me when I don’t know how/what to pray (v. 26)
- The Spirit prays according to God’s will (v. 27)
- God works all things for good for me (v. 28)
- I love God (v. 28)
- I have been called according to God’s purpose (v. 28)
- He has predestined me (v. 30)
- He has called me (v. 30)
- He has justified me (v. 30)
- He has glorified me (v. 30)
- God is FOR me (v. 31)
- God gave His son for me (v. 32)
- God graciously gives me all things! (v. 32)
- Jesus prays for me (v. 34)
- Nothing can separate me from God’s love (vs. 35, 39)
- I am more than a conqueror! (v. 37)
What, then, shall I say in response to this? (v. 31)
Truly… what would happen for me…for you…if we believed even one third of this list? How might it affect our eating? I know it would affect mine. I didn’t get to carry 100 extra pounds on my frame twice just by eating foods that sounded good. I ate because I was resentful and bitter, because I wanted to celebrate, commiserate. I ate for holidays, I ate for vacations, I ate after vacations and after holidays. I ate because of nice things said to me and mean things said to me. In short, I ate for a million lies that I believed…that somehow food was going to make whatever it was better. LIE.
So, any one of those statements above, could be like a sword (of the Spirit, the Word of God) challenging the right of the lie to exist in my life.
How About You?
Might some of these truths in the list above make good material for truth cards? 🙂
What impact would it have on your eating if you believed Romans 8?
Heidi this was awesome! I have printed it to put in my truth cards!
I am so glad, Adriane. I need to make up some truth cards, too!
God is is working all things for my good….Romans 8:28
When life is hard when your going through trials RUN to God….He is the ONLY ONE WHO CAN FILL ALL YOU’RE NEEDS. He is the living waters that will never run dry! = )
I can know that, Jamie, but living accordingly sure eludes me a lot. I think I just want something I can SEE so often. I lack the willingness to wait for the satisfaction that God brings as I scurry after solutions for instant gratification. Sad, but true!
How fitting to study Romans 8 on 8-1-13! Thanks Heidi!
Jenn, I hadn’t thought of that! LOL!
Powerful….Lots of great nuggets to chew on!…Thanks..
My pleasure, Barbi. 🙂 I am so glad you have been joining us!
Great post…! Been gone for a computer…good to be back!
So glad to see you back, Marie!