My wonderful friend, Barb Raveling, just posted a GREAT post to her blog the other day. It is too good NOT to share it with you. Pop on over to her blog and read:
The Social Pressure to Eat – 7 Beliefs That Make Us Cave In
I hope you will let Barb know that you were there.
How About You?
Which of the lies are you most likely to believe in the moment you feel pressure to eat outside of 0 and 5?
Which truth can you use to replace the lie? You can choose Barb’s or one of your own.
Can you begin now–before the temptation strikes–to renew your mind–to change your thinking–with these truths, knowing that you may very well face the challenge to believe these lies?
Can you think of any other lies that you face during this season? What corresponding truths can you embrace?
I would love to hear from you!
“Some of us are alcoholics when it comes to food . . . we have to be careful.” I really appreciate this comment by Barb. Having a son who struggles with alcoholism, I know what the pain looks like. It can be the same with food for some people. The weakness — the arrogance in thinking “just this one time and not again,” the falling into temptation, and the guilt that comes with the failure. It makes me conscious to provide healthy choices for those who struggle. This is a tough time of year for everyone!! There’s not one person alive who needs to eat as much food as we will be exposed to!! Thanks be to God who understands our struggle, who loves us in the middle of it, gives us strength when we call, and extends forgiveness and mercy when we overeat.
Exchanging lies for the truth — a great way to approach temptation. Satan may be called “the father of lies,” but he’s not my father. My Father has the truth that will set me free every time, if I keep those truths before me. Love this post!!