We returned home from our vacation on Friday afternoon. In looking back at vacation time, I see that there was some “Flesh Machinery” operative. While I didn’t get too crazy with my eating on vacation, I nevertheless used the vacation as an excuse to “go on vacation” from keeping a Hunger Graph and really heeding the Lord in guiding me. In other words, I turned my back on him freely. It pains me that this was my attitude while on vacation. I had an attitude about everything going into it, to be truthful…and I think I just threw my attitude all at God about everything.
Interesting, given that He has laid on my heart so powerfully to foster an attitude of gratitude, worship, and heartfelt praise! Instead, I was griping, moping and acting like a jerk-ette.
It makes sense that I would weigh more…I had been eating more. I had been eating “lawfully,” though…get this…it is so ridiculous! I began eating “to a 5” instead of where I had been stopping…which is when I am no longer hungry. There is really a huge gray area between “no longer hungry” and “oops, I am a bit past full.” Most people call “Oops I am a bit past full” a “6” on the hunger scale and just under that a “5.”
So, I played with that this vacation. I did it in rebellion, so in a way I am glad I didn’t “get away” with it.
When I returned from vacation, I weighted myself and found the error of my ways had a practical consequence…just as expected. My weight was at the high end of my swinging weight range…about 153 or 154.
The cool thing is, all I did was confess and verbally agree with God that I needed to change my behavior…that I had sinned and intended not to in this way any more. Additionally, I began keeping my Hunger Graph again. Within 4 days, I had released weight (if you believe the bathroom scale in the first place) to be at 148/149 which is lower than usual. I tend to stay pretty steady at 150 most of the time.
I believe these weights may be affected by water retention as well…but it still is interesting. It is so true that when we focus on eating according to the hunger scale and God’s direction, he takes care of the rest. My body will lose extra weight if it has it and not if it doesn’t.
Presto…it is that easy!
Thank you, Lord.
Hello! My name is Alisha. I was doing a Google search on Thin Within and came to your blog. What an awesome testimony! Also, I was excited to see that you are a fellow homeschool mom! I currently have about 125 lbs. to lose and really praying for God’s leading in how to rid my body of this excess. Thanks for putting your encouraging testimony on your blog!
I love your raw honesty! It’s rare, even in the Christian community to come across someone who is genuine like you. You have touched my heart, especially by your comment on my blog. I would love it if you would pray and consider becoming my personal mentor. I could learn so much from you. I would pray for you and you for me. I would also be accountable to you. Anyway, let me know… Your Sis In Christ,