Thank you for your prayers today. We survived…I think I *barely* survived, but I did…and I think I was nice enough! 🙂
The photographer and the stylist were very kind and supportive. I tell you…having make-up plastered on my face is NOT my thing! 😀 No offence to Shellie Rae! 🙂
The photographer, Terrence of 521productions, took a picture of my kids and me just for us to have a record of today’s craziness! I did have a chance to talk about Thin Within and Dance Praise with Shellie Rae…that was neat. She was very nice. Terrence was a crack up with stories upon stories, including a couple about his dog and cat and how his cat has literally saved the life of his chihuahua at least twice!
Anyhow, the issue is supposed to be out in October sometime. Please pray for the truth to be in the article. As “vain” as this all seems, I know God can use this for HIS glory and to make the way of freedom known for many! That is my prayer. Please join me!
The Thin Within message forums have sure come alive. It is great to see such an inspirational and encouraging community already in full throttle.
Other big news…I may be leading a Thin Within group at my church. It is hard to believe that with all the years and all the involvement I have had with Thin Within, I have never led a “live” TW group! (I have led and co-led online groups, however. But it IS different!) We will be studying the book.
I won’t be around for a week starting on Sunday. I am leaving for a bible horsemanship camp. When I began to turn my heart back to the Lord and ask Him to make me willing to be made willing to let go of food, I must admit it was motivated by a desire to go to this bible horsemanship camp. My husband bought it for me for Christmas in 2005!!! There were no spaces available until this camp coming up…I never would have gone had God not enabled me to release the weight I carried. I know that sounds awful. I wish I could say my motives were more noble than they were…but God used that to change my heart…He can take just about anything!
True confessions…I know that right now, where I sit, there is yet much work (much work *again*???) needing to be done on my heart. For instance, if all the Oreos in this world suddenly vanished, I think I would curl up and die. NOT a good thing! I definitely cherish Oreos in my heart more than God wants me to..I am saying this somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I am very serious…and I know that any attachment to which I cling…unless it is GOD ALONE…well, it is something that isn’t a good thing…I want to be rid of any attachment that keeps me from full-hearted devotion. Like that song… “Give me one full and holy passion” (or that is how I think it goes). So far, no weight has returned…but I feel strongly that giving the enemy a toe-hold in this, will evolve before I know it into a foot-hold and on into a stronghold again. I will NOT allow that! God has set me free, should I go back to slavery? NO WAY!
I want God alone–Jesus Christ–to be what I pander after, what I dream about, what I long for, yearn for…and what I delight in. Nothing else.
See you all in a week or more…
Hello Heidi,I just wanted to let you know how cool it is that you will appear in First magazine. Do you know when it will be out?I’ll be praying that God will use the article to bless and encourage others, and to bring them TO HIM!You are a blessing!Your TW Sister,Dana