Image Courtesy of Stock Exchange

Image Courtesy of Stock Exchange

I consider Truth Journaling a lot like Renewing of the Mind “Boot Camp.” This isn’t for the faint of heart, but I tell you what…it has GREAT benefits! If you figure you aren’t a journaler, then you may want to renew your mind about that belief :-). If you could spend 10 minutes a day in something that could radically transform your life, draw you closer to God, enable you to think God’s thoughts after him instead of head down a road of thinking thoughts that take YOU captive, would it be worth it? I suggest you give this process a try. It is a training of sorts. If you do this training, then you will learn how to renew your mind practically speaking and will be able to do it “on the fly” more frequently.

This is one way you can work on the renewing of your mind goal, established in the Day 1 material. (Barb mentions Truth Journaling in Day 3.) Even if you aren’t doing the Weight Loss Bible Study with us, then you can use this approach any time you are tempted or even afterwards. I explain that a bit in the video.

One of the reasons I decided that I *could* afford the time to Truth Journal was because I knew I had spent plenty of time in the past  looking at recipes, counting calories or fat grams (or “blocks”), reading dieting magazines, diet books, etc. I figured that given how much time in invested into establishing the mindset that didn’t work for me, it wasn’t at all unreasonable to spend a bit of time changing the way I think so that I could emerge victorious in pursuing a life of eating 0 to 5 for the rest of my days on this planet. 🙂 How about you? 🙂

I learned everything I know about Truth Journaling from Barb Raveling, first in her Freedom From Emotional Eating bible study. (Just a caveat…this speaks of dieting, but if you can get past that, the principles are very valuable…especially the part about truth journaling!) I love it and it has made a big difference in my life and in the lives of many people who have been in my Thin Within groups! You can do a search here at my blog, too, as I have written about this previously.

I hope this video helps you.

What can you truth journal about? When will you do that?