
Revelation Within (formerly Thin Within) focuses on physical, emotional. mental, and spiritual aspects. All four need to be addressed in order for us to be whole!

Physically, we get to know our bodies and the signals they give us. We want to be “embodied.” As we prayerfully invite God to help us with this, weare able to fuel our fearfully and wonderfully made bodies in an appropriate way. At Revelation Within, we use what we call a “Hunger Scale” to help us to get to know our body’s signals. We eat when we are at a “0,” or truly hungry, and stop eating when we are at a “5,” which is before we are full. We don’t use labels such as “good” foods or “bad” foods. However, as we learn to respond to our God-given signals of hunger and fullness, and forego worldly legalistic food rules, we enjoy the freedom of making wholesome, well-balanced food and eating choices more and more.

The emotional principle of Revelation Within addresses the fact that we often eat in response to being upset, excited, anxious, nervous, depressed, lonely bored, etc At such times we turn to food to fill an emotional or spiritual emptiness, rather than for it’s intended purpose which is physical nourishment. If this substitution becomes a habit food can become an idol rather than a God-given gift.

The mental aspect to our Revelation Within journey shows us that we will act based on our beliefs. We will believe what we tell ourselves. So, all that self-talk? It matters. We want to tell ourselves God’s thoughts about life, about food, about Him, about ourselves, about trials and challenges that come. Romans 12:2 says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, not by following a program! Revelation Within has at the forefront our Mind Renewal 101 class. It is the core of what we teach. Thinking with the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) makes all the difference! Thinking His thoughts about our bodies and cultural standards can change everything!

The spiritual component of Revelation Within addresses how hard it is for us to eat from “0” to “5” in our own strength. We need supernatural strength and power to overcome fleshy habits and indulgence. God tells us that He has given us everythingwe need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)! While food may provide some pleasure and certainly physical nourishment it is not intended to provide emotional or spiritual fulfillment, which can only be met through a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.

Revelation Within invites people to participate in dynamic courses, coaching groups and curriculum that are specifically designed to set them free from a skewed relationship with food, eating and their bodies, and strengthen their intimacy with God.

Phases of Thin Within

We often speak of Revelation Within (RW) as a journey where you travel in and out of one of three phases. These phases are not linear for many of us. We do follow Jesus along a personal path that He has prepared for us. The three phases are the Freedom Phase, the Discernment Phase, and the Mastery Phase.

They are based on I Cor. 6:12:

 “All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial, therefore I will not be mastered by anything.”  1 Corinthians 6:12

Phase I  Freedom Phase: “All things are permissible”

Here you experience a wonderful freedom from dieting laws, enjoying a variety of foods, including foods declared “bad” by the dieting world. Jesus said all things are permissible and you were meant to enjoy that freedom as you become attentive to your body and experience the reliable hunger/satisfaction mechanism that God has carefully crafted within you.

So in Thin Within there are no “good” foods or “bad” foods; however it’s important to keep in mind  food allergies and dietary restrictions designated by your physician.

Phase II  Discernment Phase: not all things are beneficial”

God reminds us that, “all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial.” So in Phase 2 we learn to tune in (“discern”) to our body’s God-given signals and what the Holy Spirit desires to teach us. Yes, we can have whatever foods we choose, but in phase 2 we consider our WHOLE body. Not just our tastebuds. If every part of our body could have a “vote” about what to eat or drink, what would our heart, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, etc. all say? This is where we, as redeemed men and women of God put off the 10-year old child making the decisions! Now, foods are selected that aren’t just delightful to the palate, but also life-giving to our whole body.

This is the phase where we evaluate how we feel when we eat certain foods. Eating when we are hungry and stopping at that place of “just enough” requires some discernment as to how our body responds to different foods. (For example, are there foods that cause my joints to ache afterwards or that cause digestive distress? I have freedom to eat them, sure, but if I am going to be at my best, will I?) We may discover we have more energy and sleep better when making certain food choices and the reverse may also be true.  So your choices are not simply about a “taste bud” sensation but about caring for your body as a whole; as the very temple of the Holy Spirit!

In the discernment phase we realize we have the responsibility to choose wisely taking into account that our God-given freedom is not to be misconstrued as “license” to indulge or overeat whatever looks, smells or sounds good. Our freedom has been purchased at a very high price and true freedom leads to the freedom to obey what God is revealing to you as you progress on your Revelation Within journey. Therefore, enjoy your freedom wisely, with a grateful heart!

Phase III  Mastery Phase “I will not be mastered by anything.” 

Our Revelation Within journey points us to the only one who is to have mastery over our lives, our bodies and our every choice….the Lord God himself. It’s so easy to turn to food for comfort or escape from whatever troubles us, but God is our only refuge! He is our way of escape.

No food is to have mastery over us! We are to enjoy food, yet we are called to discern when we are hungry and by the power of the Holy Spirit, make wise food choices for our whole body’s health. God knows what our energy requirements are since He designed us, and it’s exciting to learn to ask Him, to obey His lead, and to depend on Him to direct our choices.

This is the most exciting journey of your life because it really isn’t about the food, eating or weight. It’s about a life that is surrendered to an all-powerful, all-loving God who desires nothing but the best for you….His beloved! Freedom accompanied by surrender and responsibility produces a life of deep abiding joy!