
Judy Halliday Author and Founder
Judy Halliday
Author and Founder

Judy Wardell Halliday, Founder and Author. In 1975 Joy Imboden Overstreet and Judy began to share principles they observed in naturally thin eaters–those who remained a healthy size without dieting or obsessive exercise. Since that time, thousands upon thousands have been set free from carrying extra weight on their bodies through the Thin Within principles.

In 1985, Jesus got a hold of Judy’s heart and she has served him as Savior and King ever since.  Thin Within moved from basements and public libraries to churches across the country, sharing the truth that God grants freedom for his captives and equips his children with the Holy Spirit.

Judy continues to show captives the way to freedom from overeating, dysfunctional views of food and their bodies, pointing the way through the cross of Christ. She serves in the deacon ministry of her local church and occasionally speaks to Thin Within groups in person and via conference call. Visit the Halliday Ministries website.

With a background in psychiatric nursing, Judy is well poised to encourage participants of all backgrounds and health histories.


Heidi Bylsma Princess of Corporate Communications
Heidi Bylsma-Epperson
Director of Thin Within Ministries

Heidi Bylsma-Epperson, Owner and lead coach of Revelation Within Ministries, has been involved “officially” with  Thin Within since 2000. At that time, Heidi wrote passionately on the internet about how God was using Thin Again, a book now published as Hunger Within, to heal her of life-long challenges. Since 2001, she has partnered with the Hallidays in a number of writing projects and now loves connecting with people online and in “real life” to encourage them in their own Thin Within (now Revelation Within) journeys. Heidi is available to speak at retreats and workshops on a number of topics. She is also available for one-on-one coaching and group coaching classes, check out the coaching page for more details.


Christina Motley
Revelation Within Coach

Christina Motley, Revelation Within coach, started off as one of Heidi’s Thin Within coaching clients. Learning how to renew her mind made a HUGE difference for Christina and it wasn’t long before she began to be one of Heidi’s strongest supports (and best besties!). Christina has been Heidi’s right-hand lady in all things Thin Within since 2014. Christina is the co-host of the ministry podcast and is the “darling sweetheart” of our ministry! To know Christina is to absolutely LOVE her! She brings refreshment and joy to our ministry in unconfined, unrestrained abundance! Christina is available for one-on-one coaching, though her coaching is in incredibly high demand. Her clients or “coaching ladies” rave about how caring and accessible Christina is.