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When I saw this image, it totally reminded me of ME! She has that “I can TOO eat this if I want!” rebellious look about her. AND she is redheaded and freckled like yours truly. Do you ever feel this way? 🙂 I hope not! But if you do, I am in company with you. I praise God that he is at work in me, though, and the moments when I feel this way are fewer and fewer! YAY, God!

I want to cover a lot of ground today. This post includes:

  1. A Video about Overcoming Failure Eating
  2. Announcement: Who is the winner of this week’s drawing
  3. Updated Bible Study schedule
  4. Poll asking you for what you would like to study next.

Video About Failure Eating – If you subscribe via email. please visit the blog to see the video.

Even if you haven’t been doing the study with us, you can probably relate to a day when you gave in and ate outside of 0 and 5. You may have given up for  the day, not even trying any more to maintain your boundaries. This is NOT uncommon! This short video is an option for what to do instead!  I hope it helps:

Now, on to Blog Business! 🙂

Winner of This Week’s Drawing

The drawing this week is a bit…well…unusual. I prayed as is my practice and my hand landed on NATALIA! She won the week of coaching week before last. So, if Natalia would like one of the prizes, she will get one.

But it also seemed like I should reach in again…so I did. We have two winners. 🙂

The second winner is Lesley UK. 😀

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I will send you both an email and you can let me know which of the prizes you would like:

  • A Thin Within book (donated by Joe Donaldson of the Thin Within ministry)
  • A Hunger Within book (donated by Arthur and Judy Halliday)
  • A week of One-on-One Coaching (donated by yours truly)


This is what is ahead for the remaining weeks of our Weight Loss Bible Study:

  • Evaluation: How are you doing? Use this worksheet to find out.  Week 5 March 31-April 6
  • Emotional Eating: “This will make me feel better.” Week 5 March 31-April 6
  • Losing-Weight-is-Hard Eating: “I’ll start again tomorrow.” Week 6 April 7 – 13
  • Hopeless Eating: “I’ll never get over this. I might as well eat.” Week 6 April 7 – 13
  • Good Food Eating: Hey, that looks good. I should eat it. Week 7  April 14-20
  • Bad Scale Eating: I didn’t lose weight. I might as well eat. Week 7 April 14-20
  • Social Eating: She’s eating. I should eat. Week 8 April 21-27
  • Preventative Eating? I have to write this one up if we are going to look at it, but I think it bears doing! Week 8.

Then I will probably have a wrap up during a week 9. A chance for us to debrief about some things and a looking forward to what might be next.

What Do You Want To Do Next?

What’s next? Well, let me know what YOU would like to see! 🙂 Here is a poll to help me figure that out. 🙂 This is the first time I have tried this “polls” feature, so here’s hoping it works!

[polldaddy poll=6998572]

Practical Questions:

You may see by now that I like to end most of the blog posts with a “bringing it home” set of questions. So let me ask you: What practical steps can you take today to maintain your 0 – 5 eating boundaries? What have you learned during the past month of our study that really stands out as something you can apply today? 🙂