What ONE Thing? (And Contest Winner Announcement)

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This week’s winner for either the Thin Within book, Hunger Within book, or free week of coaching goes to Christina!


Also, don’t forget to vote for what study will be next. Click this link to go straight to the poll if you haven’t voted yet!

I have been including less content this week at the blog because I know that many of you are joining the Weight Loss Bible Study a bit late or feel like you are “behind.”

But today’s question is significant, so I hope you will give it some prayer and thought.

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect,

but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philiippians 3:12-14

I want to focus on a little statement in the middle of this passage: “But one thing I do.”

Sometimes, as we look at the BIG picture of our weight, our issues with the way we think or the HUGE task ahead of us, we go on tilt. If you are anything like me, this can cause you to…well…simply…just SHUT DOWN.

We have to get away from looking at that big picture. The big picture of our holiness is God’s burden. He wants me to conquer this moment for Him.

So I want to issue a challenge and I would love your feedback today!

What ONE THING will you do today?

What is one thing that you can do–TODAY–that will help propel you forward?  One thing that hard, perhaps, but that you know you can do today? One thing that you know you need Christ’s strength to do because you know you are too weak to manage it?

Will it be to have one less cup of coffee? (I know that may not sound tough to some of us, but to others of us, we are convinced we need it!)

Will it be to take 15 minutes to truth journal?

Will it be to open the bible and be still for a few minutes?

Will it be to confess?

Will it be to say no to a particular food that you know has mastery over you?

What one thing…TODAY. I am not asking you to commit to this for a week or a month or longer, but just TODAY. What one thing will you do TODAY that is different than all the other days and times when you wanted to be free in the area of eating and body image?

Tell us in the comments what it is…AND be entered into next week’s drawing by doing so.

Let us know what ONE THING you will do TODAY and we can pray for one another as we read the comments!

Wow…Sugar and Slavery

The family and I watched the movie Amazing Grace last night. Something that came to the forefront for me while I watched it…the connection between human slavery of Africans and the production of sugar. While the movie focused on Great Britain’s support of the slave trade in part due to sugar, I couldn’t help feeling horribly convicted…had I been around at that time would I have supported the slave trade for want of sugar? I mean…how powerful a hold does sugar have on me? In the movie, the hypocrisy was obvious. What about me? Is my “love” for sweet tasting food powerful enough that I would not have been able to boycott using sugar had I been alive at the time when slaves were used to produce sugar? Would I have minimized the atrocities of slavery so that I could justify continuing to have sugar?

Fortunately, these days it doesn’t require human slavery to produce sugar…but I can’t help but feel like the enemy must have had a hand in the production of sugar in its early history…and he likely bet that humans would get so attached to sugar that we would be where were are now…with the “average” American consuming 100 pounds of sugar each year!

I keep thinking…if I were involved in an industry or a hobby or something that had a horrid, disdainful beginning, would I look the other way because “That is ancient history?” I know this sounds really weird, but I just can’t shake that the roots of sugar…something to which I seem to give myself over to so freely and struggle with so completely…had its beginnings in the horrific treatment of other humans…I know that God wept (and perhaps still does) over such atrocity…


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