5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.~ Psalm 16:5-7
Gosh, there are so many other reasons I might turn to food…other than the ones I have shared about here during the past week or two. I hope to continue to talk about that…but it occurred to me that I should probably address something.
I have offered a challenge here: When you are drawn to food, to commit to waiting just five minutes before eating and to use that time to prayerfully ask some questions honestly…maybe with a journal or maybe in a quiet moment (even in the midst of a busy life with people everywhere!)…
Why am I drawn to food right now? Is my stomach empty? If not, what is this about?
I have suggested that this be something we just commit to doing.
Some might wonder, “But isn’t that a rule? Isn’t it like a ‘diet rule?'”
I consider this a godly boundary for myself, instead. Sure, some might call it a “rule,” but I don’t look to it to make me righteous. My performance isn’t what it is about at all. In fact, God has declared me righteous in Christ.
But a boundary is something that keeps in good things…keeps things from going “wonky,” keeps sheep from straying for instance. 🙂
A boundary is also something that stands guard–prevents things that are not so good from coming in…like excuses to eat when I am not hungry.
So, to me, this “Promise to wait 5 minutes before eating” is a boundary that will guard my heart, my mind, my body from the world, the enemy or my own fleshly tendencies. It will protect my resolve to honor the Lord with my eating and drinking and keep me from wandering off even when my feelings don’t line up with that so-called resolve!
This promise to wait 5 minutes also keeps me in the moment. Instead of mindlessly eating, I will be present.
This is GOOD!
So, if you haven’t “bought in” yet, I challenge you, give it a try. I am going to recommit, in fact, as I have gotten lazy! Enough of that! 🙂
As a younger person, even as a follower of Christ, I often had difficulties with boundaries. I felt like I was limited by them, that is, until I learned to scuba dive. I was in Honduras and we were learning in the sea (no well-lit swimming pools). It was amazingly beautiful. One day we were swimming around a reef and as I looked away from the reef all I saw was solid blue ocean. It momentarily made me agoraphobic (fear of open spaces). I thought instantly, "this is why God gives us boundaries – for our protection from the vastness of everything else and to help us when we're unable to make the best decision for ourselves." Since then I've been very thankful for boundaries.As alwyas, thanks for sharing, Heidi.Yvonne
As a younger person, even as a follower of Christ, I often had difficulties with boundaries. I felt like I was limited by them, that is, until I learned to scuba dive. I was in Honduras and we were learning in the sea (no well-lit swimming pools). It was amazingly beautiful. One day we were swimming around a reef and as I looked away from the reef all I saw was solid blue ocean. It momentarily made me agoraphobic (fear of open spaces). I thought instantly, "this is why God gives us boundaries – for our protection from the vastness of everything else and to help us when we're unable to make the best decision for ourselves." Since then I've been very thankful for boundaries.As alwyas, thanks for sharing, Heidi.Yvonne
I think those 5 little minutes of time throughout the day may just become the most formative conversations I have with Jesus. I have a feeling that He has a lot to reveal to me and can easily do it in 5 minutes. I am committing right now to taking those 5 minute breathers and conversing with the Lord. I will think of it as more of a rhythm of life.debbie
I think those 5 little minutes of time throughout the day may just become the most formative conversations I have with Jesus. I have a feeling that He has a lot to reveal to me and can easily do it in 5 minutes. I am committing right now to taking those 5 minute breathers and conversing with the Lord. I will think of it as more of a rhythm of life.debbie
Dear Heidi, I have been away from the blog 4 ever going through another illness since august. But I can't give up! And here I come back to your blog and it's better than ever!! I've only read March 1st & second and I can say THANK YOU! {{{HUG}}} I put the 5 minute rule to the test last night..how clever! I love this process.. and I am glad to have this blog right now..again :o)Also the 2 other replies b4 mine were very insightful.. thanks to Yvonne & Debbie i have a fresh start today again to motivate me to go to Him, Worship and give praise.. thanks Gals! In His Grip:Barbara
Dear Heidi, I have been away from the blog 4 ever going through another illness since august. But I can't give up! And here I come back to your blog and it's better than ever!! I've only read March 1st & second and I can say THANK YOU! {{{HUG}}} I put the 5 minute rule to the test last night..how clever! I love this process.. and I am glad to have this blog right now..again :o)Also the 2 other replies b4 mine were very insightful.. thanks to Yvonne & Debbie i have a fresh start today again to motivate me to go to Him, Worship and give praise.. thanks Gals! In His Grip:Barbara
Hey Heidi!I haven't been on the blog in a while, but I was sooooo blest when I finally came back for a read!!! I LOVE the idea of the 5 minute rule! It's just what I needed! I have been falling into a bad habit of thinking I *need* MY FOOD NOW!!! This is great. This will give me a time to pray and really evaluate where I am before I eat.Thanks for the insights. I love it. I also love your honesty.You rock, Girl!!!
Hey Heidi!I haven't been on the blog in a while, but I was sooooo blest when I finally came back for a read!!! I LOVE the idea of the 5 minute rule! It's just what I needed! I have been falling into a bad habit of thinking I *need* MY FOOD NOW!!! This is great. This will give me a time to pray and really evaluate where I am before I eat.Thanks for the insights. I love it. I also love your honesty.You rock, Girl!!!