Today’s post is another snapshot from my truth card deck.
Have you added to your truth cards just how great 0 to 5 eating is yet?
What truths will you add to your truth cards today about the blessings in 0 to 5 eating?
Take some time to review your truth cards today. Ask the Lord to show you if you BELIEVE what is written on them! If not, what will you need to do in order to truly renew your mind and be transformed?
I thought I’d quickly share a thought. I am going to make a set of “Truth cards” for both of my children. I’m not sure if I will use the index cards or a small notebook, but I will write Truths from scripture (and quotes of scripture) so that they will be bathed in the Truth as they get older and have scripture on hand/in their minds to do battle. Of course, there won’t be the eating stuff in them, but the Truths about God’s character and how He loves us. I imagine that I will start them and then add to them over time like I do with mine – and maybe they will eventually take them over.
I LOVE this idea!!!!
I love your number five truth. It’s so true in all areas of our life. I had never thought of it like that before, but it totally makes sense.
Hi, Pam. That one comes directly from Barb Raveling at I want to give her that credit!