Hi, all, just a summary of one of the two messages last night…just highlights as I don’t want to spoil any of it for when the DVDs come out in Fall of 2009!!!
Beth did a great job teaching about the woman in Luke 8:40-48 who was desperate for healing and was willing to do anything…ANYTHING it would take to be made whole. She crossed the line of the expected, of “proper behavior.” Beth pointed out that if I am over here in my sickness and Jesus is over there with his healing, I am going to cross that line…blast through any “expectations” that others have for my behavior and grab for the hem of his robe! Do the crazy thing, be a little “radical.” GO FOR IT! I WANT HEALING period! Get outta my way!
She also pointed out that we have a mistaken view of repentance…that we tend to think of repentance as our punishment! It is our right in Christ. It is our gift! We have to change our view of repentance!
One of my favorite things that Beth said and I have heard her say it in other bible studies (or maybe it is the original Breaking Free) is that often God allows a wounding…not just to hurt us, but to heal us. That by the wounds of Jesus we are healed…so too many other wounds can bring healing if we will avail ourselves to His intentions.
All about that for now! 🙂