“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, 
“tell me to come to you on the water.”  
~ Matthew 14:28

Earlier today, my almost-16-year-old daughter, plopped down on the bed next to me where I was working on my laptop:

“Is this the longest you have ever kept your weight off?,” she asked.

Though I was taken aback by what *seemed* to be a question out of the blue, I retorted quickly enough: “But I *haven’t* kept it off!”

“Mom, you have had little ups and downs, but you aren’t anywhere close to where you were before!”

Her praise surprised me. I was about to wax eloquent,  minimizing the “success” and maximizing my “failure.”

Then, I thought about Peter. He is often remembered for many things, including sinking after Jesus made it possible for him to walk on the water. We remember so much about that story…but the thing that stands out seems to be that Peter sank when he took his eyes off of Jesus.

Peter walked on the water!!! He got out of the boat!

How quick we are to forget just how amazing that is.

Was Peter changed from the experience of walking to Jesus on the water? Was he in awe of what is possible when he fixed his eyes on Jesus? Did he allow that thought to envelop him? Or did he brood: 

“I sank…nuts…I sank!”

How easy it is to focus on apparent failure, but think of those other eleven guys who were all in the boat. None of them failed. None of them sank. But none of them ever got out of the boat!
I have done similarly with my transformation.  There have been big internal changes in addition to the outward physical ones. Today, I choose to delight in the fact I got out of the boat. I am changed inside and out because of the things God has shown me–about him, about me, about what is possible. If I am honest, I know that, at my smallest, my mindset wasn’t healthy. I am following this path imperfectly, but in my weakness, God Almighty is made evident and strong!

I am not where I was. I got out of the boat!

Why do I minimize my victories and maximize my defeats? 

How about you? Can you celebrate that you have gotten out of the boat? Delight in all that is possible when you do put your eyes on Jesus. It changes you inside *and* out. You are never the same.

 What will it take today to get you to stop focusing on the “sinking” and start celebrating the fact that you have gotten out of the boat and walked on the water at all? How might doing so change you today and change your approach to food, difficult situations, people, yourself, and God?