I haven’t been writing as much at this blog, but I have been writing at two others I have.
The first, my 1000 Blessings Blog, is something I like to add to as part of what I learned in Thin Within. Gratitude really does transform my life. For quite some time now, I have been adding to it bit by bit. Recently, I have felt a call to open my eyes more frequently, be still with more regularity and record the many gifts that are all around me. When I do, it radically transforms my heart…which is what I need if I am to live in freedom from the sin of gluttony.
New Blog |
The second is at my recently revamped website. My focus has broadened a bit to “Living Life on the Path of Praise” and, more specifically, “Moving from Fear to Faith on the Path of Praise.” I have been doing a series even as I walk through a very challenging trial. There, I share with the readers of the blog, strategies I am using to navigate the churning waters that threaten to consume me if I am not proactive. This definitely is related to Thin Within since many times in my life I have processed my heartaches with food. This time, I have determined to honor the Lord with my response. I hope you will come to my new blog and even subscribe! Join in or create a conversation. Let’s support one another. The first post in the series is found here.
I don’t intend to “abandon” this blog at all, but I did want the readers and visitors of this blog to know that my ruminating about life has been happening at other places, too, in case you might find either of the other two blogs encouraging. I hope you will join me there as well!