I have been majorly flaky with our study. Today was crazy busy and crazy fun.

Michaela and I started the day by getting on Harley and Breezy for a ride from home. We don’t often do that. Poor Michaela was chafing because of the way the saddle hit her. She was miserable, so we cut it short and only rode about an hour (which I am sure seemed like an eternity to her).

After we got back, we went out to lunch in town. It was fun to stay in our little town of Cool at a little restaurant there for pizza. I love it when all four of us enjoy the same place to eat. What a novelty!

Then our family headed up to Loon Lake where our church is having family camp this weekend. We stayed just long enough to take a short canoe ride around the lake.

Fun fun fun!

You know, one of the things that God is bringing home to my heart…it has to do with the relationship I crave with my kids. I am seeing that this is something that motivates me to go to extreme lengths. I am protective of my kids and hubby, of our time together, we carve time out to be together–making it a priority.

I want my kids’ hearts, not just their obedience. I want them to see them as I see them–beautiful inside and out. I want them to know truth and it breaks my heart when they don’t…when they believe lies.

Gosh, all of these things that I struggle with from a parent’s point of view, I know my Father in Heaven has an even more pure desire for me than I do for my kids. It really puts it into perspective for me in some ways…it tenders my heart to realize that his sweet parent’s heart is so turned toward me in love…

More tomorrow.
