Hi, everyone. Run, don’t walk, to THIS link.
It is an audio presentation on the sin of…well…erm…GLUTTONY. Yes, gluttony.
What is gluttony, really, anyhow? Is it a “fat person” who binges all the time? Or is it, simply…eating more food than one needs with very little concern about physical appearance? Hmmm….
Crystal Munson addresses this and more, using Philippians 3:18-19 as her primary text:
For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.
Do NOT go to the link if you don’t want to be majorly convicted. 52 minutes of TRUTH sprinkled with a lot of grace, but…well, this is PURE TRUTH.
I would love to hear from you after you listen, too.
Feel free to email me at harleysheidi@gmail.com and tell me what you think. Or, better, come to the forums at the Thin Within website and discuss it there. GOOD stuff…but oooooh so convicting!!!
Let’s let God speak to us…and refuse to harden our hearts any longer.
where is the link to listen to the audio? it talks about the audio, but there’s no link to click on, at least I don’t see one. Thanks. Fran
I did click on the word, THIS, and it said ” this page cannot be displayed”.