The exercises for today in the TW workbook, brought conviction…the exercises asked us to look in a Thesaurus for synonyms for “Sovereign” so I did. Here is what I came up with at

absolute, ascendant, autonomous, chief, commanding, directing, effective, effectual, efficacious, excellent, guiding, highest, imperial, independent, kinglike, kingly, loftiest, majestic, master, monarchal, monarchial, overbearing, paramount, predominant, predominate, preponderant, prevalent, principal, queenly, regal, regnant, reigning, royal, ruling, self-governed, supreme, unlimited

Upon completing my reading through this list, I had to ask myself…or rather, the Holy Spirit prompted me to prayerfully evaluate, using some of the words that were most fitting…

Do I allow God to be…

…absolute in my life?
…ascendant in my life?
…chief in my life?
…commanding in my life?
…directing in my life?
…effective in my life? (This one really brings conviction…is my minimizing of his rule in any way, making him appear less effective than He is? It seems like it might sort of be the opposite of “magnifying” God…)
…excellent in my life?
…HIGHEST in my life?
…imperial in my life?
…loftiest in my life?
…majestic in my life?
…master in my life?
…paramount in my life?
…predominant in my life?
…prevalent in my life?
…reigning in my life?
…royal in my life?
…ruling in my life?
…supreme in my life?
…unlimited in my life?

Gosh, I don’t know about others of you, but there is room for growth for me. Not only that, but we don’t even have to look at my *entire* life to see the need for growth! Just in the area of giving my food and eating to Him there is still room for tremendous growth, obviously. Boy…this has really challenged me.

Psalm 73:28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.