If you believe what you read or see, then all there is to grabbing a hold of joy or happiness is some chicken nuggets or Sara Lee cookies or cakes!
I have finally figured out that my joy and happiness are NOT somehow connected to a frozen cake, or a package of “donnettes” or…a HAPPY MEAL!
The way to shangri-la is NOT the drive through!
But I wonder if I don’t subtly still buy this message:
“Ice Cream – An Excellent Source of Happiness”
“The Joy of Eating: Cheese Enchiladas!”
Can you identify?
This totally relates to where I have been with processing the material in the Get Thin Stay Thin book. Instead of rushing earnestly to a diet coke (“But I LOVE my bubbles!”) or to whatever tasty treat would satisfy my “sweet tooth,” I see more than ever that God wants me in those moments to “Be Still and Know that I AM God…”
It is hard to do this. I mean, I can joke about how ridiculous it is for me to look to food for happiness, but honestly…I still do it. That is all there is to it. There is a big work yet ahead.
Unfortunately many people believe food industry ads. The amazing thing about the dairy industry’s huge ad campaign, to convince people they need milk for calcium to prevent osteoporosis, is: (1) there are much better sources of calcium; (2) magnesium and Vitamin D, not calcium, build strong bones; and (3) MANY people are allergic to casein (the milk protein), while others have lactose intolerance. Yet even doctors still tell people to drink their milk to build strong bones. SIGH The point of advertising is to SELL products, not make people happier or healthier. The only people who benefit from those products are the CEOs of the product companies, who get a huge share of the profits.