When I got up that morning, five years ago today, my life changed forever. As I was walking down the hallway, God said to me, “Go to the emergency room.”
As soon as He said that, I immediately asked Sam to take me. Not knowing the outcome, I went, and God spared my life. I am totally convinced of that. He had a plan and purpose for me, and I believe I am fulfilling part of his plan right now.
I believe that I have turned the corner and put food in its rightful place. My relationship to food has changed. I’m eating for nutrition and nourishment in my body and running to God for everything else, instead of running to food for everything.
It feels strange to me, Heidi, but He is making the crooked places straight! I am making lifestyle changes! My desires are changing!
I am in mourning, losing my best friend ~ food ~ and realizing that the enemy sold me a counterfeit that I bought and used as my comforter. That makes me angry. 😡 But he will not steal from me anymore!
We are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices! The truth is setting me free and I’m so very grateful! There is so much joy in my heart now because:
1) I’m doing what God wants me to do, being obedient, honoring him.
2) As I continue to be obedient to Him, He will reward me. Whatever He chooses will be fine with me because it’s in my best interest and he loves me so!
3) He will not disappoint as I put my trust in Him.
4) I have surrendered all to Him the results are left up to him.
My goal now is to stay focused on him.
When I keep my mind on Him he gives me peace.
Wanda Walker
(See her bio below.)