I am done settling.

I am done with believing tiny things.

It is time to put my big girl pants on and dare to believe great things about my Mighty God! To catch a vision for the GREATER thing He has in mind.

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 I want to wrap my arms (and heart) around everything that God has planned!

If you have visited my blog at all previously, then you know that my primary ministry for the past 6 years has been encouraging people with regard to eating between hunger and satisfaction. This has been “good,” but, now, a shift is in order. To continue with that focus would be to allow myself (and maybe you?) to be distracted from what is a greater, more worthy, focus.

I see it this way: I have a choice–will I allow myself to obsess about my size or even, perhaps, about the nobler thought of how my eating and weight may be a reflection to some people about the sufficiency of my God, or will I pursue the Greater thing that God wants me to pursue? Is it possible that I have been living the antithesis of what Jesus speaks of in Matthew 6? Read my anti-verses:

Heidi, worry about your life and what you will eat and drink. Go ahead and worry about your body and what you will wear, how it will look and what size it is. Your life is all about food and clothes and how you look. (Antithesis of Matthew 6:25) 

So keep up the worry–it is so productive! Obsess about what you will eat and drink and wear. The people in the world run after these things and God wants you to be just like them (not!). (Antithesis of Matthew 6:31, 32).

I have been living as if these are the words found in Matthew 6…but who would really say these things to me? The enemy of my soul!

Instead, Jesus says:

  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, 
and all these things will be given to you as well. 
~ Matthew 6:33
God is redirecting my life. I feel the *good* thing has been to speak to others about offering our bodies to God and pursuing “0 to 5” eating–and I still believe this is *good*.  But I think my focus on this has eclipsed the greater thing that God wants to do in and through me.
I am expanding my vision.
Will I take him at His word? If I seek HIM first, and HIS righteousness, to know Him, exalt Him, praise Him, adore Him, walk with Him…if I allow this pursuit to saturate my life through and through–not just be “first” on my list each day before I take off and do my own thing–is it possible that anything else that He wants in my life will fall into place? 
If what is said is true–that the good is often the enemy of the best–then I want to move on, grow up, graduate on into the *best*…that greater calling of God. I want to put the “good” in it’s place so it doesn’t stand in the way of the best!
How about you? What have you focused on in your life that hinders you from pursing that Greater thing that God is calling you to?