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Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name;
give to him glorious praise!
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
– Psalm 66:1-3a
Some of us have been on this journey a while now. It is so easy to be discouraged when we look right in front of us. Sometimes, we miss the forest for the trees we keep ramming!
Today, let’s do some evaluation…some surveying of the road we have traveled. Let’s get to a clearing and have a look back over the land we have traversed!
1. Have you said NO to more food lately than you did previously? For instance, if you were to compare a year or two ago or even a month ago with the past week or two (or three or four), have you overeaten anywhere near the quantities of your “old days?” Have you overeaten nearly so often? Let’s get specific…did you used to “binge” on a full bag of cookies and/or an entire loaf of bread, and/or a half gallon of ice cream…and/or….etc., etc. Compare what you consider as having overeaten now with then. Is the quantity smaller? Has there been progress? While there is likely room for improvement as there is for most of us, note patterns of babystep progress and I bet you will see you have come a long way!
I remember back to Saturday night TV with my husband. There were four shows back-to-back that we looked forward to watching all week. We planned for that binge each week! It consisted of chips with melted cheese all over them….mounds and mounds of cheese (no kidding) and the giant sized bag of Hot Tamales that we got at Costco. That was just for starters! We continued the “salty-sweet-salty-sweet” food frenzy all night long while we watched our shows. God has delivered me from that. I bet there is behavior that you used to engage in that you no longer do! Right? Take a moment to praise God for bringing you out of that, for giving you moments of grace to take steps closer to having a healthy relationship with food.
2. Have you said YES to God more? To obeying his leadership? To spending time in his presence? To allowing him to have his way with you just a bit more? Have you prayed more? Praised more? Given thanks just a bit more?
3. Have you been exposing the lies you believe even just a bit? Have you been rehearsing believing his truth either with truth cards, music, scripture memory or some other means, allowing your mind to be renewed even just a bit more? Are you thinking differently even a little? 🙂
4. Have you been moving your body just a bit more? Again, think back to a year ago or so. Maybe this hasn’t been one of your goals. That’s ok. Prayerfully consider if God would have you move just a bit more. I don’t mean strenuously, but in a way that gives you joy and that can be an expression of worship! If this hasn’t happened yet, see if God might lead you to make gentle plans (that you will hold loosely) to do so. What are the possibilities?
5. Are you exploring the foods that best fuel your body just a bit more? Some foods make you feel energized. Some, depleted or even sick to your stomach. Have you been evaluating which does what? Have you been selecting Whole Body Pleasers a bit more than Taste Bud Teasers? Even just a bit?
Some of these things you may not have made any headway with just yet, but I bet it is because they haven’t been included in your list of things to be intentional about.
If you are going to do an evaluation like this a year from now and come up with answers that delight your heart, what changes—babysteps—will you begin to take now?
Let’s celebrate! You have come a long way, Baby!
Great post, Heidi. Yes, I’ve been at it awhile. Fortunately see progress though there have been seasons of “one step forward two steps back.” Thanks for the helpful tools you’ve given to keep us centered in Him.
So glad, Lindsey. The part about progress. Sometimes, I think we need to ask him for eyes to see ourselves as he does. 🙂
I have been at this all summer and there are times I feel like I’m getting nowhere. Then there are the times I know that I’ve changed inside–God is changing me little by little, day by day. One thing I’ve noticed is that when I overdo it on food I will start feeling sick–a little headachy and not so good in the stomach. When I eat within 0-5 everything is fine. He knows what my body needs and I know that I am hard headed and need a little more nudging to get back on His path for me. I will not give up!! I know that this is the way God wants me to go. I’ve been on so many diets and I am so tired of all the energy I have to put into staying on one. Thank you Heidi for your blog! I get so much encouragement and insight from you!
Hi, Mary Anne. Thank you for your kind words! The thing about Thin Within is there is a lot of internal work that has to happen to get us to think differently. That’s why I place such a premium on renewing our minds. I know we want PHYSICAL results sooner…and, truly, usually those results will come when we do what we know is right, but we have to believe that doing what we know is right is more rewarding to us emotionally, spiritually, AND physically. So often, we choose the instant gratification of eating outside of our boundaries over the delayed SATisfaction of seeing the changes we long for. Hang in there, Mary Ann. Just keep pressing on and in to him. 🙂
This will be long so bear with me!
I returned to my bible study group today that I did last year (it follows the school calendar.) I was thinking back to the first day last year when my small group leader asked each of us how she could pray for us during the year. Reluctantly, I asked her to pray Romans 12:2 for me regarding dieting, food, exercise and my body. I was so tired of the struggle and knew that I spent way too much time on the body/food thing. Fast forward to March when Heidi starts a bible study which in part spoke about renewing of the mind and we continue it in some form or fashion for 6 months. My prayer has been answered. I prayed for freedom from the dieting mentality and God has given me that. I see my body and exercise and food differently. So, while I would love to be a size smaller, I am thrilled that I am just plain happier in my body. I am looking forward to see how He continues to work.
1) I have said “no” to so much food compared to the past. The afternoon snacking is gone, unless I am at a 0 and don’t think I can ride it to dinner. I am in the process of being freed from nighttime eating – and even if I do eat after dinner, it’s way, way less food.
2) I have said “yes” to God more – re: many things
3) I carry my truth cards with me, fill them in almost daily, listen to praise music that I love and actually crave if it’s been a while since I listened. I catch the lies pretty quickly now. And I have a much more grateful heart. Just this morning, after I loaded the washer, my husband threw more laundry in the laundry room. My 8 year old said “the laundry never ends!” and I agreed but then went on to be thankful for a house that has a washer, a new washer and dryer, clothes to wash, people whom I love who dirty clothes, etc!
4) As a formerly obsessed exerciser, I have let a lot of that go and am finding exercise that I actually enjoy that isn’t punishing to my body.
5) Ah, the food. Because I have fewer opportunities to eat, I am more picky. I don’t try to shovel in fruits and veggies but go with what my body wants. I don’t finish the lettuce of a salad just because it’s “healthy.” I stay in the moment more with the food – not so much planning and trying to get in fruits/veggies, limit fat, limit carbs, etc. Praise God for my healing.
Heidi, as I’ve said over and over, thank you. You were certainly an answer to my prayer that was first said last September..
Oh wow, Carrie. This touches my heart so much. You have grown SO much. Getting to know you and seeing that first hand has provided SUCH a joy to my heart! You are seriously an example to ME. I am not kidding you. YOU are the source of the “truth card” idea! Where would I be without those! I have seen them in other contexts, but when you mentioned it in your interview with me some months back in THIS context…it hit me over the head and I knew I needed to do it and teach it, too! As you know, I have been crowing about it ever since! You have been an answer to MY prayers, Carrie….you rock, my friend. I love you and hope to meet you this side of heaven’s gate to throw my arms around your sweet neck!
That was encouraging, yes God is doing a new thing. I see changes in all those areas. I do need to learn more about what are my whole body pleasers “.
Hi, Marcia. Yes! Great idea! I am so glad that you are seeing and celebrating that God is doing a work in your life, too!
Heidi, this is such an encouraging post! It really opens my eyes to how far I have come with The Lord on this journey toward finding freedom from dieting. I may not be where I want to be (yet), but I sure have come far since we started the first renewing of the mind study back in March. Praise God!
Praise Him, indeed!
Oh, yes, Christina. You have come SO far! Resting in what God has done and IS doing is so key! I am so thankful for you, my friend! 🙂